atx crypto club

Day: April 22, 2020


Wed Apr 22 05:19:51 2020 <9e126bf3> What


Wed Apr 22 02:31:51 2020 <5547a085> Hahaha


Wed Apr 22 02:30:41 2020 <5547a085> The attempted (and same day) detraction that its neo-honks posting the material kind of swings the indication in the direction that these scrapes are legit


Wed Apr 22 02:10:39 2020 <5547a085> This is exactly the 12 monkeys scenario <5547a085> Practive safe SECs y’all, don’t open any of that shit except on an air gapped device


Wed Apr 22 01:51:42 2020 <773ab1f1> <|> — Neo-Nazis Are Spreading a List of Emails and Passwords for Gates Foundation and WHO Employees — Both organizations are the targets of absurd conspiracy theories among the far-right. <9e126bf3> Neo-Nazis! :clown_face: :earth_americas:


Wed Apr 22 01:39:07 2020 <9e126bf3> interview with Krawisz <> — Daniel Krawisz: Everything is falling into the Bitcoin SV black hole – CoinGeek — Daniel Krawisz shares his thoughts about Bitcoin and the biggest problem he sees with the BSV community today.


Wed Apr 22 01:15:53 2020 <8f79fcda> Where’s <@UM0TYPAQ5> when you need him


Wed Apr 22 01:02:52 2020 <8f79fcda> :eye_twitch: <8f79fcda> Crypto theory <8f79fcda> Bsv will pump lead in to btc pump because of block halvening time delta


Wed Apr 22 00:50:13 2020 <6707bcd9> At least it’s not negative :joy:

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