atx crypto club

Day: May 18, 2020


Mon May 18 18:37:39 2020 <8f79fcda> &gt; Uber-Grubhub news reminds us, the only viable endgame i<|s a promise of monopoly concentration> and increased prices. But is that even viable? — Uber’s Grubhub Play: A Desperate Bid To Save A Business Everyone Hates — The offer, which could value Grubhub at $6.9 billion, would give Uber Eats 55% […]


Mon May 18 18:31:17 2020 <8f79fcda> don’t worry buddy, we are afraid of you. <8f79fcda> fun fact, if you’re trans you’re 58% more likely to murder than be murdered


Mon May 18 17:47:30 2020 <8f79fcda> I think the proglib nazi waffen are going to lean on inciting a proletarian revolution <8f79fcda> A second wave of militant antifa <8f79fcda> Glowies trying to incite martial law as agent provocateurs among right wing people <8f79fcda> Already seeing it happen in <|> <8f79fcda> The Same one trick divide/conquer […]


Mon May 18 17:48:31 2020 <773ab1f1> <> — Doordash and Pizza Arbitrage — There is such a thing as a free lunch <773ab1f1> <> — ZIRP explains the world — A Margins’ theory of everything


Mon May 18 17:46:43 2020 <773ab1f1> <>


Mon May 18 17:38:45 2020 <5547a085> <|>


Mon May 18 17:25:54 2020 <5547a085> I’m behaving as if the remainder of May, June, July right into early August will be a brief repreive and time to prepare for a 10x clown world after August, where people will genuinely be very distraught and panic’d the eff out at unavoidable realities that will take years […]


Mon May 18 16:33:44 2020 <773ab1f1> <> meetup starting on zoom in DFW. Bias, law adjacent to AI in telecom. I saw these guys in person two months ago and it was a quality meetup


Mon May 18 16:19:35 2020 <8f79fcda> i mean, that guy probably constantly says to themself, “I’m a woman, i’m a woaman, i’m a mwoman…”


Mon May 18 16:12:23 2020 <8f79fcda> PMs? <9e126bf3> precious metals <8f79fcda> ah <8f79fcda> there’s going to be a lot of drag-down because of increased consumer/business debt loads, fucked up payable/receivable cashflow cycles, and inflation <8f79fcda> bankruptcy courts are going to have a problem. distressed debt tranches might buckle – they’ll definiel have a long-term growth […]


Mon May 18 15:50:06 2020 <9e126bf3> it’s running <9e126bf3> maybe demand is coming back? <8f79fcda> yesterday seemed busy in CA <8f79fcda> i think the american people are declaring the pandemic response over <9e126bf3> if the economy comes roaring back, the fed stimulus thesis gets thrown away and crypto and PMs could get slaughtered short term […]


Mon May 18 15:49:01 2020 <9e126bf3> :joy: I just had a convo with a normie friend yesterday exactly like that, starting to finally doubt covid after isolating himself for 2 months straight. He did a bad ass prepping job though, still could go another 2 months


Mon May 18 15:34:22 2020 <8f79fcda> lol <> — Truth Over Facts


Mon May 18 15:31:35 2020 <773ab1f1> We watch one film a week selected by a new person each time. The person that selects the film has to ‘present’ which just means talk about the film for 5-10 minutes. Anything they are passionate about. Story, symbolism, set, characters, business. Anything. <8f79fcda> That’s cool! <773ab1f1> Its good […]


Mon May 18 15:30:35 2020 <8f79fcda> any news on oil today? trump tweeted about it


Mon May 18 15:28:25 2020 <8f79fcda> <> <8f79fcda>


Mon May 18 15:23:41 2020 <8f79fcda> do y’all watch a movie together? <8f79fcda> but yes flim club sounds cool


Mon May 18 15:13:29 2020 <773ab1f1> Thats a fun movie. You outta join film club scott! We meet once a week. There are like six of us. 8pm monday on zoom

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