atx crypto club

Day: May 20, 2020


Wed May 20 14:39:57 2020 <773ab1f1> Put me in the mood for some kung fu movies <773ab1f1> Honk Kong style <8f79fcda> yea that’s real <8f79fcda> OFC hong-kong style <773ab1f1> Got any recommendations? <8f79fcda> don truss china, china is asshoe <8f79fcda> hmmm… kill bill? <8f79fcda> lol <773ab1f1> Heh, I’m gonna take the movie club down the […]


Wed May 20 14:26:15 2020 <773ab1f1> <8f79fcda> that’s excellent. well executed too


Wed May 20 14:25:43 2020 <773ab1f1> oh dude its a super cool story <773ab1f1> The CEO even did a peice from lebbanon (?) talking about how he couldn’t get a fair trial etc


Wed May 20 14:11:42 2020 <8f79fcda> So, while “dirty capitalist greed” may have accelerated the adoption – CCP fuckery was the keystone


Wed May 20 14:09:41 2020 <8f79fcda> Dang! I hadn’t even hear of this scoop before!


Wed May 20 14:01:11 2020 <773ab1f1> <> those special forces guys that snuck the nissan CEO out of japan go arrested.


Wed May 20 13:14:36 2020 <8f79fcda> <|> <8f79fcda> Babylon Banksters^ If you want to learn about the Gaussian copula formula and it’s ties between the financial crisis, Canada, and CCP China <8f79fcda> … among other things


Wed May 20 12:59:11 2020 <8f79fcda> Yea the bike shares are nice for sporting events… that a when I’ve used them to save money on parking


Wed May 20 11:33:40 2020 <7d56dcb3> funny how all the companies on the commie flag are banned in china… lel


Wed May 20 10:30:42 2020 <7d56dcb3> “have you taken dmt?” – joe rogan


Wed May 20 10:21:18 2020 <7d56dcb3> hanlon’s razor doesn’t really apply here. it’s more capitalist greed than anything. and maybe a little stupidity to go with it. like our own mortgage bubble. ZIRP. <7d56dcb3> just like the current startup bubble. stupid greed i guess. <7d56dcb3> i don’t see the malice angle… “let’s flood the american […]


Wed May 20 05:43:30 2020 <8f79fcda> <|> — Trump signs executive order to create ‘Bill of Rights’ for businesses during pandemic — The order also asks agencies to speed up the rule-making, which could shave off years of regulatory deliberations


Wed May 20 03:50:14 2020 <8f79fcda> <@U03694HFD> i know you’re just playing into the ATX prole’s fetishism for revolution


Wed May 20 03:44:39 2020 <8f79fcda> AND HE STICKS THE LANDING <>


Wed May 20 03:32:14 2020 <8f79fcda> lime bikes and their ilk, were an attempt to spoof demand for an unwanted service <8f79fcda> they oversupplied bikes to meet spoof demand <8f79fcda> and like classic commies… _ignored human behavior and tried to pour cash into marketing the socialist bike-riding faggot utopia_ <8f79fcda> _all of which was spurned […]


Wed May 20 03:22:17 2020 <8f79fcda> i only made it to 1.5 hours today… damn work meetings <8f79fcda> <@U2S98EDNK> hanlon’s razor applies? either malicious or stupid

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