atx crypto club

Day: May 28, 2020


Thu May 28 23:40:07 2020 <773ab1f1> <|> <5547a085> Minneapolis of all places… they did a hell of a lot of damage in 2 days. <773ab1f1> Man I’m just surprised it looks so warm there <5547a085> This could spark in lots of other cities <773ab1f1> Last time I was there a blizzard came through like May […]


Thu May 28 23:37:52 2020 <8f79fcda> selloff started <5547a085> Yeah, I dont think it will sustain


Thu May 28 23:39:33 2020 <8f79fcda> <;feature=emb_title> — APRIL 26TH 1992 – SUBLIME <8f79fcda> seemed appropriate


Thu May 28 23:27:42 2020 <773ab1f1> DA just held a press conference and said there is a lack of evidence <8f79fcda> Pray for eveyone in MN. this isn’t going to go well. <8f79fcda> reading that article… it feels very LA riot


Thu May 28 23:20:26 2020 <8f79fcda> 40 mins to 0:00 utc – and today will make it the month <8f79fcda> price has edged to 9600 <8f79fcda> predictions about to be tested <8f79fcda> <8f79fcda> several big buys happening at 9.58 <8f79fcda> bulls setting a strong price point there <8f79fcda> pretty steep up to 10 from there


Thu May 28 23:24:41 2020 <5547a085> I don’t really like any platform lol :man-shrugging: <8f79fcda> … good point


Thu May 28 23:19:30 2020 <8f79fcda> <@U07MMSG8M> what’s your opinion on gab?


Thu May 28 23:11:07 2020 <5547a085> Unsure if true or not: <> — As Chief Prosecutor, Klobuchar Declined to Bring Charges Against Cop that Killed George Floyd – Citizen Truth — While serving as Minnesota’s chief prosecutor between 1999 and 2007, Klobuchar declined to bring charges against more than two dozen officers who had killed citizens […]


Thu May 28 23:07:32 2020 <5547a085> <; — Donald Trump needs HIVE and he is starting to realize it — Hive — Donald Trump thought he got around the mainstream media by using Twitter, he was wrong… The president of the… by jrcornel


Thu May 28 22:27:43 2020 <8f79fcda> <> in 90 mins LWC is doing a livestream on Minneapolis — #679 #BlackLivesMatter BURNS MINNEAPOLIS! | Dinesh D’souza Guests | Louder with Crowder


Thu May 28 22:22:39 2020 <8f79fcda> Bulls are enjoying this little taint tickle <8f79fcda> They don’t have steam for over 10k


Thu May 28 22:17:58 2020 <8f79fcda> I guess you have a sample set now


Thu May 28 22:10:45 2020 <5547a085> A while back, I was having a conversation with <@U8F8V823B>, and i had the thought that I could create synthetic orderfill just like the csv/json in this repo by watching the orderbook depth at a high frequency (~1s, 5s, 10s), and then plotting what gets filled with some level […]


Thu May 28 22:03:45 2020 <8f79fcda> It’d be interesting to see that same ratio in Coinbase or if it’s a wild departure <8f79fcda> Like 80% filled/cancelled <8f79fcda> Gauging bidder/seller earnestness <8f79fcda> <@U07MMSG8M> any takeaways from you? I only did a perfunctory look at it


Thu May 28 22:00:35 2020 <8f79fcda> Yea, they’re spot on <8f79fcda> Did a really good mass Monday that I posted in <#CPA6QK2QK|church> as well <8f79fcda> A pretty scholarly analysis of protesting through a biblical lens


Thu May 28 21:59:39 2020 <8f79fcda> If you decide for non-meatspace whereby let me know


Thu May 28 21:58:55 2020 <8f79fcda> Nice giddup


Thu May 28 21:46:18 2020 <87db2fe9> <@U07MMSG8M> if y’all are thinking mezze, I’m down


Thu May 28 21:26:47 2020 <8f79fcda> How few orders actually fill vs. what’s posted on order books <8f79fcda> 10-15% <8f79fcda> That’s the most compelling <8f79fcda> What I’m trying to say is the cancellation vs. fill ratio

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