atx crypto club

Month: May 2020


Thu May 28 05:33:25 2020 <8f79fcda> <> — Hitler Reacts—make a parody video with this template! — Have an idea for a “Hitler Reacts” video? Add your own subtitles from your browser right now using the best meme video editor online.


Thu May 28 05:12:53 2020 <8f79fcda> <8f79fcda> <> — (10hours) Lamb chop song that never ends <8f79fcda> <> lady on a rascal shanking people <9e126bf3> dude I just saw that, what the fuck <8f79fcda> triple honk rating at least <8f79fcda> ah ha! <8f79fcda> <> — “It’s the district that elected @IlhanMN not surprising… ” – […]


Thu May 28 05:13:18 2020 <9e126bf3> Yeah totally. It’s great though, regular peeps should be in the markets. It just sucks when the market is dominated by fake central banking horseshit <9e126bf3> why shouldn’t the people treat it like gambling when the CBs all do


Thu May 28 05:10:44 2020 <9e126bf3> in case the repo disappears binance_data_2019.tar.gz


Thu May 28 05:06:28 2020 <8f79fcda> <@U07MMSG8M> <@U03694HFD> <@U4FQ46RGU> anyone wanna whereby?


Thu May 28 04:56:43 2020 <8f79fcda> <> — Downtown Minneapolis is Completely Burned to the Ground as Black Rioters Shoot Police With Fireworks <8f79fcda> yea…. that’s a lot of hyperbole <8f79fcda> some fucking roman candles gmafb <8f79fcda> <> <8f79fcda> boog is happening in MN <8f79fcda> it’s like BoogLite(tm) <9e126bf3> I’m cracking open a can of […]


Thu May 28 04:43:36 2020 <8f79fcda> <8f79fcda> <8f79fcda> <8f79fcda> <8f79fcda> we live in a very small pond gentlemen


Thu May 28 04:48:41 2020 <9e126bf3> the world is a shitcoin <> — Absolute Insanity: Retail Investors Flood Into Bankrupt Hertz, Make It Most Heavily-Traded US Stock — Thanks to a frenzied retail daytrading army, bankrupt Hertz became the most heavily traded U.S. stock Wednesday, with shares posting the largest gain on record. <d666283b> This […]


Thu May 28 04:37:27 2020 <8f79fcda> <|> — MY SCANNER IN NY IS SAYING MAJOR HAPPENING – The Donald — I just missed recording the dispatch but I caught the end of it. All hands call to Broadway in Bushwick. I’ll try to kee <8f79fcda> Happenings are happening <9e126bf3> yeah something crazy in the air. […]


Thu May 28 04:32:59 2020 <5547a085> LOL i can be the 2nd person to star this repo


Thu May 28 04:19:10 2020 <773ab1f1> <> here is that data icky — degenliberationsyndicate/binance_data_2019 <773ab1f1> <> — Binance Futures API Suffered Data Leak in 2019 — For some undisclosed period of time Binance allowed any API user to watch the orders of other users on the perpetual swaps. I found parts of the…


Thu May 28 04:05:19 2020 <5547a085> I would not have predicted an India/China flashpoint: <> — Satellite Images Confirm Rapid Chinese Military Expansion On Disputed Indian Border — In disputed region where India, China and Pakistan meet PLA troops crossed the “line of actual control” in early May &amp; are now digging in.


Thu May 28 03:53:58 2020 <8f79fcda> Yeah? <8f79fcda> Seeing tweets? <5547a085> I’ve been curious what a road trip right now would be like <5547a085> Or to catch a few cheap flights to a few places while the tickets are cheap and no one is actually travelling <5547a085> Respirator mask, full biosuit, zero fucks lol


Thu May 28 03:44:24 2020 <773ab1f1> Things appear to be gettin pretty serious in MN


Thu May 28 02:30:24 2020 <8f79fcda> <> — MASS MONDAY: Should Christians Obey Lockdowns? | Louder with Crowder


Thu May 28 02:30:12 2020 <8f79fcda> <> — The Government is Scarier than COVID! | Louder with Crowder


Thu May 28 01:12:48 2020 <5547a085> chill_af.webm


Thu May 28 00:40:45 2020 <5547a085> That is sickeningly apropos <5547a085> They told all my peers in my generation it was acceptable behavior


Thu May 28 00:39:09 2020 <5547a085> I always forget about quandl, they have an amazing array of data sources available <8f79fcda> i might have bought historicals on some coins or pulled them down when it was free… looong time ago


Thu May 28 00:27:28 2020 <8f79fcda> yeah, i really like quandle – they’re really clean and the data generally gives me good confidence <48dc8d29> solid <48dc8d29> I’m a big fan

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