atx crypto club

Month: May 2020


Thu May 28 00:21:52 2020 <48dc8d29> y’all familiar with quandl? <> — Quandl — The source for financial, economic, and alternative datasets, serving investment professionals. <48dc8d29> they’ve got some great data sets


Thu May 28 00:00:02 2020 <8f79fcda> twitter anarchy will be back


Wed May 27 23:26:21 2020 <8f79fcda> Another biden campaign call today with Join Kenny Krumeich to hear and brainstorm ideas from the Biden supporters in our community. Starts in ~30 minutes at 7CST Here is the link to join: <> While your waiting sign up for all future events here so you’ll get email reminders <> I’m […]


Wed May 27 23:23:12 2020 <8f79fcda> stark contrast to my next question… buy twitter stonk? <8f79fcda> i think they’re going to go platform


Wed May 27 23:16:34 2020 <8f79fcda> tbh twitter is probably happy about that <8f79fcda> they want to get out of the moderation game <8f79fcda> then they can charge people for mod privileges <8f79fcda> their profitability just went up because now they don’t have to spend a fuckton on trannies trying to ML mod


Wed May 27 22:51:36 2020 <773ab1f1> <87db2fe9> One can only hope <87db2fe9> <|> — Trump To Sign Social Media Executive Order On Thursday After ‘Fact-Check’, Political Bias Exposed — Twitter has now shown that everything we have been saying about them (and their other compatriots) is correct. Big action to follow! <87db2fe9> Update (1830ET): Following […]


Wed May 27 22:39:14 2020 <8f79fcda> this is funny af


Wed May 27 22:30:35 2020 <8f79fcda> <> <8f79fcda> <> — Trump teases ‘very interesting &amp; powerful’ action after China calls US sanctions ‘bluff’ over Hong Kong — US President Donald Trump said he was planning to do something about Beijing’s moves to limit the political autonomy of Hong Kong, but would not say what. Chinese […]


Wed May 27 22:20:52 2020 <8f79fcda> spacex wants to maga


Wed May 27 22:19:24 2020 <8f79fcda> SpaceX Dragon wants to maga too <8f79fcda> literally


Wed May 27 21:51:26 2020 <8f79fcda> low res map (will improve when i have time) red are key strategic areas, yellow circles are soft influence, green states are friendly/allies to CCP


Wed May 27 21:29:32 2020 <8f79fcda> none – they explode all by themselves <8f79fcda>


Wed May 27 21:18:36 2020 <d666283b> <|> — CHINA TO DEPLOY AIRCRAFT CARRIERS – Republic World — After China threatened to “unify” Taiwan, it is planning to deploy two of its new aircraft carriers off Taiwan coast as it warns the US of a “cold war”. <8f79fcda> :philosoraptor: how many torpedos does it take to […]


Wed May 27 21:14:51 2020 <9e126bf3> one day I’ll fix that goofy index.php in the url. Shouldn’t need it normally <8f79fcda> yea man, w/e works i just figure I’d add urls so people know if they’re being broadcast to the club <8f79fcda> gonna have to do some jannie work because psm just shit all over […]


Wed May 27 20:50:47 2020 <8f79fcda> might make an inverted rocket emoji


Wed May 27 20:33:29 2020 <8f79fcda> Boooooo <5547a085> Did you guys make an obligatory power-down noise with your bong: mission abort, lighters disengage, do not ignite!


Wed May 27 20:29:56 2020 <5547a085> I had the thought a little while ago, maybe $TSLA’s price is so inflated because spacex isnt publicly traded <8f79fcda> Stonk split into two companies would be great lol <8f79fcda> According to <@U4FQ46RGU> Tesla is a robotics company <d666283b> I think Tesla has so much value in their ai/autonomy […]


Wed May 27 20:35:02 2020 <5547a085> <>


Wed May 27 20:34:35 2020 <8f79fcda> I still need a damn monitor cable for my bad so I can do the initial config :weary: <8f79fcda> After that… so much room for data

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