atx crypto club

Month: May 2020


Wed May 27 20:26:40 2020 <5547a085> Ya, those guys are basically just chilling out in a giant bomb until the propellant is flushed


Wed May 27 20:18:43 2020 <d666283b> Damn! Postponed til Saturday


Wed May 27 20:10:23 2020 <21c2e595> <@U036M05JL> careful with longterm currency plays. there are large cost to carry that will usually eat all your gains <8f79fcda> Gross


Wed May 27 20:05:54 2020 <5547a085> My stack right now is: influxDB (sql database), grafana (dashboard graphing), ruby’s sinatra REST api (using sidekiq for batch), hashicorp’s nomad (for parameterized batch jobs and infrastructure jobs), hashicorp’s consul for kv parameters, and nginx (whitelist and loadbalancer). Batch jobs are receiving push alert timeframes for DERIBIT:BTC-PERPETUAL from tradingview, […]


Wed May 27 19:56:30 2020 <5547a085> I can help you guys with deployment pipelines, dashboards for visualization or datastore if you need it <773ab1f1> right on icky, I am looking to pick up a pet project here pretty soon. I gotta train up tho.


Wed May 27 19:25:59 2020 <48dc8d29> this is pretty depressing – that group is usually pretty level headed <48dc8d29> reading through the chat is like reading a parody of leftist ‘safe space’ drama with a lot of bad technical information taken at face value <8f79fcda> And I saw that he works at baker hughes or […]


Wed May 27 19:35:11 2020 <5547a085> <@U036M05JL> I think its neat stuff and have looked at the charts, but Ive never traded forex <5547a085> An opportunity is an opportunity though <8f79fcda> Emerging market currencies with rare commodity stores make sense during these times <8f79fcda> And it’s expected that Congo is already a shithole, and will […]


Wed May 27 19:19:42 2020 <48dc8d29> the crazy thing is that the shit they’re recommending isn’t actually technically feasible but the discussion seemed to continue in spite of that as if it is


Wed May 27 19:07:46 2020 <8f79fcda> LOOK AT THAT FOIGHT SUIT <d666283b> Man they’re so high tech. They’re connected to the dragon by the seat <d666283b> And so cool that the Tesla shuttle vehicles


Wed May 27 19:00:08 2020 <8f79fcda> there’s so much bad thinking in that one statement… i can’t even begin to undo the can of worms


Wed May 27 18:55:33 2020 <8f79fcda> Really cool space suits btw <8f79fcda> <;feature=emb_title|;feature=emb_title> — NASA SpaceX Crew Dragon Launch <773ab1f1> I kno man, they look like space odessy 2001


Wed May 27 18:49:48 2020 <8f79fcda> We’re going to see brains collapse in on themselves soon I think. It’s already happening, but it could happen en masse as social media companies begin to fall apart <8f79fcda> That’s when things get dangerous – people start chomping out due to identity crises <8f79fcda> I think that’s what […]


Wed May 27 18:37:23 2020 <8f79fcda> Sooo basically proposing a gender war… how could that go wrong :face_with_rolling_eyes: <773ab1f1> Its fucking retarded <773ab1f1> Everyone is too scared to say the obvious <773ab1f1> the conversation immediately goes to technical feasability <773ab1f1> no one wants to say what should be right in front of everyones faces. This […]


Wed May 27 18:35:34 2020 <773ab1f1> <> — All I Wanna Do | Sheryl Crow | funk cover ft. Jacob Luttrell


Wed May 27 18:03:58 2020 <8f79fcda> Here’s a great plan: “listen, you’re a problem person. We like the constitution and you as a socialist are undermining it. Won’t you be happier in a socialist country? Let us help you transition to a socialist country. We have an exchange program where you can take your accrued […]


Wed May 27 17:29:57 2020 <8f79fcda> also, according to that india report, china is pressuring the region east of bhutan. Wants to steamroll their way to myanmar and cut their way to the bay of bengal <8f79fcda> so they’ll have easier access to ME oil <8f79fcda> time to do another strat map methinks <8f79fcda> we […]


Wed May 27 17:23:54 2020 <8f79fcda> Keep an eye on the spratley islands

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