atx crypto club

Month: May 2020


Fri May 29 23:49:38 2020 <8f79fcda> Wowwwwwww <9e126bf3> too much wrongthink, time for twitter gulag comrade


Fri May 29 23:38:52 2020 <9fba64e5> Twitter limited features for me yesterday. Why? <|>


Fri May 29 23:02:20 2020 <9e126bf3> I keep telling commies on twitter this and they don’t believe me. They have their own people running the gov over there. The riot is literally a government sanctioned riot that they started themselves using useful idiot cops! <8f79fcda> &gt; don’t believe you lol <8f79fcda> Not enough gibs I […]


Fri May 29 23:03:14 2020 <8f79fcda> <|> — Fauci changes tune, now says second COVID-19 wave may never happen — and mask-wearing is symbolic — Talk about an abrupt about-face <9e126bf3> LOL scamdemic confirmed!!


Fri May 29 22:24:42 2020 <8f79fcda> Idk man, you’ve got a lot of commie graffiti around there <9e126bf3> :sad_pepe:


Fri May 29 22:01:47 2020 <8f79fcda> <8f79fcda> Bold move cotton <9e126bf3> Chiraq bitch was just threatening to turn people into criminals and lock people up for not social distancing barely days ago lmao <> — Lightfoot On Trump’s Protest Tweets: ‘It Begins With F And Ends With You’ <9e126bf3> this is complete madness. They better […]


Fri May 29 21:21:36 2020 <8f79fcda>


Fri May 29 19:32:15 2020 <8f79fcda> <|> — Top Chinese General Says Beijing Will Attack Taiwan to Stop Independence — BEIJING—China will attack Taiwan if there is no other way of stopping it from becoming independent, one of …


Fri May 29 19:24:38 2020 <d666283b> This is fucking crazy <|> — Police arrest CNN correspondent Omar Jimenez and crew on live television


Fri May 29 19:24:16 2020 <d666283b> <|> — Police arrest CNN correspondent Omar Jimenez and crew on live television


Fri May 29 18:13:53 2020 <773ab1f1>


Fri May 29 17:36:15 2020 <773ab1f1> <> — Heated protests continue across the US as thousands demand justice for George Floyd — Protests have erupted across the country over the death of George Floyd, a Black man who suffocated when he was pinned to the ground by a Minneapolis police officer. Minnesota declared a state […]


Fri May 29 17:02:10 2020 <9e126bf3> lol thats cool <8f79fcda> Yeah it was striking what happened to old glory


Fri May 29 16:46:00 2020 <9e126bf3> feels like a controlled demolition of the country. One timed charge detonation after another. It’s just so fucked. We might not have a nation in 10 years. But at least we will still have Texas… <9e126bf3> a lot of the people rioting aren’t even from the area. This is […]


Fri May 29 16:24:45 2020 <9e126bf3> <8f79fcda> Boogalaw <9e126bf3> basically, the looters can be shot and they wont have legal recourse. This BoogLite could turn into a shot of boog wiskey <8f79fcda> Curious what the definition is for “place of abode” <8f79fcda> Under their law <8f79fcda> Does a business count <773ab1f1> They have already charged […]


Fri May 29 15:43:43 2020 <8f79fcda> can’t decide if I want to try and front-run twitter’s decision to go platform <8f79fcda> if it goes OS platform, they can cut a ton of overhead and will probably run a blockchain management engine under the hood

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