atx crypto club

Month: May 2020


Sun May 3 04:01:38 2020 <6dc46509> <> — S.Korea, N.Korea in Talks After Gunfire Exchange in DMZ — South Korean and North Korean troops exchanged gunfire in the demilitarized zone between the nations Sunday morning, and the two sides are now in talks via a military communication line.


Sun May 3 03:42:51 2020 <6dc46509> <> — Hiker celebrating end of coronavirus lockdown falls to her death while posing for photo — A Kazakhstan woman fell over 110 feet to her death on Sunday after trying to take a cliffside picture to celebrate the end of the area coronavirus lockdown.


Sun May 3 03:40:43 2020 <5547a085> After getting over myself and reading up on it, it sounds like he’s capitulating to a bear market <5547a085> As an uber whale and the fact so many zealous investors follow his word like that of a heirophant, it probably spells for lots of other capitulations to a bear […]


Sun May 3 02:06:24 2020 <6dc46509> i really expected the CDC to do their jobs and prevent this thing from getting out of hand in america… guess i was wrong… <6dc46509> u know… i’m really not that surprised though… cuz i remember how fucked up our responses were to previous epidemics… <6dc46509> those space suits […]


Sun May 3 01:59:59 2020 <8f79fcda> Net neutral until further notice <9e126bf3> The thing is, China is actively refusing or picking and choosing what information they are sharing with us already, even as we supposedly work with them. They are completely untrustworthy and they have info we need, so they use that against us at […]


Sun May 3 01:21:32 2020 <6dc46509> ok but imagine not having any intel on viruses coming out of china <6dc46509> it’s in our interest to know about any new viruses coming out of china <6dc46509> if china refused to share that information with us, we’d be even more fucked. <6dc46509> what’s really fucked up though… […]


Sun May 3 01:08:34 2020 <9e126bf3> we have put ourselves at an inherent disadvantage because of the virus of globalism <9e126bf3> it’s a scam to trick people that machiavellianism doesn’t exist <8f79fcda> Fact is they can’t be trusted <9e126bf3> global kumbaya circle jerk is a hoax <8f79fcda> Gkcj <9e126bf3> lol needs an emoji <9e126bf3> it […]


Sun May 3 00:54:58 2020 <75f07d61> <|> <6dc46509> i believe this is what they refer to as the “anal stage”


Sun May 3 00:51:53 2020 <5547a085> id want to see that movie <6dc46509> same


Sun May 3 00:48:16 2020 <5547a085> Idgaf what buffet has to say about anything <5547a085> if i hear his opinion about something, i consider it a net negative esoteric loss <5547a085> “Advance humanity by solving the world’s hardest problems” —&gt; complete circle jerk soiree


Sun May 3 00:28:00 2020 <6dc46509> the problem is that considering how globalized the world is, not sharing information, and consequently not having any intel on new viruses coming out of china, would also put america at a disadvantage. we had very early intel on how bad this virus was since late december. it wasn’t […]


Sun May 3 00:22:34 2020 <6dc46509> in any case, it would make an interesting movie.


Sat May 2 23:59:12 2020 <773ab1f1> Any opinions from buffet’s annual meeting?


Sat May 2 23:19:32 2020 <773ab1f1> <|> — 2019 Annual Letter | Social Capital — Our mission is to advance humanity by solving the world’s hardest problems.


Sat May 2 23:08:23 2020 <8f79fcda> It’s not called “hold on for dear life” for nuthin <8f79fcda> We need to spam “remember the Dao” just to shit on the fact that eth wants to turn in to a piece of shit coin (POS)


Sat May 2 19:44:52 2020 <87db2fe9> Lol


Sat May 2 19:29:47 2020 <75f07d61> Man during all this shit, now is the most important time for people to come together! Fuck this pisses me off to no extent! This is a subversive action to keep people divided!


Sat May 2 19:17:58 2020 <75f07d61> Ohh wait! The south is doing that too, however Oregon forgot to mention social distancing. Maybe this is am attempt to infect communities of color! :black_joker: Man, I got some homies in Mississippi telling how the black communities are getting hit hard there but no one cares – cause […]


Sat May 2 19:09:00 2020 <75f07d61> This shit again!?!? Fuck that noise!


Sat May 2 19:06:24 2020 <5547a085> If you invert this statement through a gnostic lens, they were trying to escape a demonic realm <5547a085> I need to read more into it, but theres some sentiment that they were actually doing human-bat transmission of coronavirus research in that lab <5547a085> A lot of pure coincidences

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