atx crypto club

Day: July 23, 2020


Thu Jul 23 06:31:30 2020 <8f79fcda> &gt; This revolution will not be violent. It will be about praxis. We will educate our people. We will feed our people. We will house our people. By ourselves. On our own. We can do anything we want if we stand together. <8f79fcda> anyone want to point out to […]


Thu Jul 23 06:24:56 2020 <9e126bf3> praxis fetish: lets do rituals to assert ourselves in an ungrounded reality <> <9e126bf3>


Thu Jul 23 06:16:54 2020 <8f79fcda> <@U0F3N7HC0> apparently using a laser to blind soldiers is a war crime <8f79fcda> Fun fact of the day ^ <9e126bf3> Nuremberg for Antifa <7586da61> Mayor got teargassed


Thu Jul 23 05:54:12 2020 <7586da61> It’s tense, feds are actively megaphoning the crowd while the mayor is down there speaking with the populus <8f79fcda> curious what he’s telling them <8f79fcda> anything noteworthy? i’ll be surprised if they don’t lynch him on the spot. isn’t their whole thing “fight the power” :shittybear: grrrrrrrrr


Thu Jul 23 05:44:49 2020 <9e126bf3> and any collectivism leads to totalitarianism because you have to replace people’s individual will <8f79fcda> suffice it to say, “wisdom begins with the fear of God” is not just some hokey tag line. <8f79fcda> knowledge comes from eating from the tree <8f79fcda> to my way of thinking, wisdom imparts […]


Thu Jul 23 05:38:35 2020 <8f79fcda> &gt;…feeding on to themselves each other’s will, while falling further away from God, unto his polar opposite… <8f79fcda> Totalitarianism is perpetually doomed to fail.


Thu Jul 23 05:23:37 2020 <7586da61> <|> <7586da61> List of protestors’ demands projected on side of building <7586da61> This is happening right now in pdx <7586da61> Note the demands <8f79fcda> The fist thing has been turned into a hitler salute of sorts <7586da61> Interesting point <7586da61> Whoa, pdx mayor is in the streets for ppl […]


Thu Jul 23 05:23:41 2020 <9e126bf3> nyet!


Thu Jul 23 05:22:46 2020 <9e126bf3> I’m gonna say it is because they actually ate from it. The tree of knowledge is something I’ve thought about for a while. And I’ve come to understand how ridiculously relevant it is to statism, communism, and any other singleton group aligned concept and mentality. It is the reason […]


Thu Jul 23 04:54:58 2020 <7586da61> w00t!


Thu Jul 23 03:45:06 2020 <8f79fcda>


Thu Jul 23 03:43:51 2020 <8f79fcda>


Thu Jul 23 01:13:06 2020 <8f79fcda> <|> — Picking flowers, making honey.


Thu Jul 23 00:40:07 2020 <773ab1f1>


Thu Jul 23 00:10:17 2020 <8f79fcda> <|> — San Francisco consulate is harboring Chinese military researcher wanted by FBI, prosecutors say — The researcher has been charged with visa fraud after lying about her military status. <8f79fcda> You got that right <@U03694HFD>


Thu Jul 23 00:05:45 2020 <5547a085> adorable

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