atx crypto club

Day: January 9, 2024


Tue Jan 9 21:28:29 2024 (*54b3f3ac*):: They approved it just now (*4cfb807c*):: $45.5k, back to bottom of trend (*4cfb807c*):: @ 2197 sats per $ (*54b3f3ac*):: 44 to 48k is a major contention zone. Regardless of any newz (*54b3f3ac*):: Technicals trump news 99pct of the time. Either way I’m so glad that shit is done. Was […]


Tue Jan 9 18:02:52 2024 UTXOracle v7: The January 08, 2024 btc price estimate is: $45,422 +public! (*f3ebdb13*):: UTXOracle v7: The January 08, 2024 btc price estimate is: $45,422 +public!


Tue Jan 9 16:44:41 2024 (*4e3d9761*):: (*4cfb807c*):: +public! (*4e3d9761*):: (*4cfb807c*):: Chud vs Rat


Tue Jan 9 16:40:45 2024 (*4cfb807c*):: *** +public! *** +public! *** +public! (*4cfb807c*):: *** DEATH ATHLETIC | a JESSICA SOLCE documentary *** Death Athletic is a techno-political documentary profiling Cody Wilson, Defense Distributed and the 3D/ghost gun movement. *** Death Athletic *** +public!


Tue Jan 9 16:39:54 2024 (*7f971682*):: +public! *** DEATH ATHLETIC | a JESSICA SOLCE documentary *** Death Athletic is a techno-political documentary profiling Cody Wilson, Defense Distributed and the 3D/ghost gun movement. *** Death Athletic (*4cfb807c*):: I still need to watch this!


Tue Jan 9 16:29:22 2024 (*6952cd93*):: I don’t know about y’all, but to me this looks like Mexico is literally committing an act of war against the USA. They know they are damaging our country and are actively participating then they give Biden this ultimatum? Wtf? +public! *** End The Cuba Embargo? Biden Begs […]


Tue Jan 9 16:06:24 2024 (*6952cd93*):: I don’t know about y’all, but to me this looks like Mexico is literally committing an act of war against the USA. They know they are damaging our country and are actively participating then they give Biden this ultimatum? Wtf? +public! *** End The Cuba Embargo? Biden Begs […]


Tue Jan 9 15:33:28 2024 (*4297a328*):: (*4297a328*):: +public!


Tue Jan 9 13:27:16 2024 (*4297a328*):: It would seem not that insane (*4e3d9761*):: *** The Daily Sneed™ (@Tr00peRR) on X *** more #tunnel footage *** X (formerly Twitter) (*4297a328*):: +public! This is creepy af


Tue Jan 9 12:22:02 2024 (*7f971682*):: Important to watch +public! *** Information Warfare Defining and Analysing – CyCon 2019 *** YouTube

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