atx crypto club

Day: May 19, 2024


Sun May 19 22:39:12 2024 (*f1a1cbef*):: *** Ole Lehmann (@oledoteth) on X *** This is Christopher Nolan. He’s the visionary director behind Oppenheimer, Inception, and Interstellar. But he has a little-known secret to his success: He doesn’t own a smartphone. Here’s why Nolan stays unplugged (and why you should consider it, too): *** X […]


Sun May 19 21:39:15 2024 (*097dfbf6*):: Lmaooooo *** Space Age Maximalist (@SpaceAgeHerr) on X *** Excess of ~50 lbs per woman. Remove excess fat from 22M US women 20-29, get ~500M kg of fat. 9 kcal/g of fat => 523B GWh 30% burn efficiency: 156B GWh Total US energy use 2022: 10^18 BTU or […]


Sun May 19 21:18:44 2024 (*097dfbf6*):: +public!


Sun May 19 18:03:40 2024 UTXOracle v7: The May 18, 2024 btc price estimate is: $67,319 +public! (*f3ebdb13*):: UTXOracle v7: The May 18, 2024 btc price estimate is: $67,319 +public!

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