atx crypto club

Day: July 22, 2024


Mon Jul 22 22:46:55 2024 (*097dfbf6*):: (*097dfbf6*):: +public!


Mon Jul 22 18:29:07 2024 (*b4c3b42a*):: This guy TFTC things there was at least 3 shooters too (*b4c3b42a*):: TFTC: A Bitcoin Podcast: #525: Missing Trump Created a New Reality with Tom Luongo Episode webpage: Media file: *** #525: Missing Trump Created a New Reality with Tom Luongo by TFTC: A Bitcoin Podcast *** Marty sits […]


Mon Jul 22 17:57:47 2024 (*54b3f3ac*):: can yall access yandex? i havnt been able too in a few weeks (*f1a1cbef*):: All good in this hood (*f1a1cbef*):: Is Biden dead or in the hospital? I don’t think it’s Covid that he’s dealing with. +public!


Mon Jul 22 17:58:21 2024 (*f1a1cbef*):: “Ma’am you are a DEI Horror Story!” – Rep. Tim Burchett +public!


Mon Jul 22 17:45:23 2024 (*f1a1cbef*):: A day after she was in Russsia, Ukraine was invaded +public! *** Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) on X *** Never forget that it was Kamala Harris who was sent to Europe to prevent the Russian invasion of Ukraine. While there she contradicted herself before claiming sanctions will deter Putin. A […]


Mon Jul 22 16:20:08 2024 (*54b3f3ac*):: CoCo Melon Kamala has no chance. RFK is really the only option they have now with a chance (*f1a1cbef*):: Agreed. We still have a long time till elections too. I don’t see Dems getting their shit together either. (*f1a1cbef*):: +public! (*f1a1cbef*):: I’m watching the hearing Cheater is fucked. […]


Mon Jul 22 15:07:07 2024 (*54b3f3ac*):: CoCo Melon Kamala has no chance. JFK is really the only option they have now with a chance (*4297a328*):: +public! *** Ben Jones (@BW_Jones) on X *** This will be the first Presidential election since 1976 to not have a Biden, Bush, or Clinton on the ticket. *** […]


Mon Jul 22 13:49:05 2024 (*f1a1cbef*):: Why are there so many 3 name assassins? Successful Lee Harvey Oswald John Wilkes Booth Failed Attempts Thomas Matthew Crooks Richard Paul Pavlick – (failed jfk assassination attempt) Sara Jane Moore – (shoots at Ford but misses) Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez – (2011 shots fired at White House) Raymond Lee […]


Mon Jul 22 10:43:21 2024 (*097dfbf6*):: +public!


Mon Jul 22 10:07:07 2024 (*a3a26d18*):: If you guys don’t follow this guy, I think you’d like him *** Dave’s Garage *** Windows History, Windows vs Linux Comparisons, Arduino Project Tutorials, Shop Projects, ESP32 Information and more in Dave’s Garage. With DIY info and practical step by step tutorials. Uses visuals such as the […]


Mon Jul 22 06:46:59 2024 (*f1a1cbef*):: Why are there so many 3 name assassins? Successful Lee Harvey Oswald John Wilkes Booth Failed Attempts Thomas Matthew Crooks Richard Paul Pavlick – (failed jfk assassination attempt) Sara Jane Moore – (shoots at Ford but misses) Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez – (2011 shots fired at White House) Raymond Lee […]


Mon Jul 22 05:01:01 2024 (*f1a1cbef*):: Both Bob Newhart & Lou Dobbs o. The same day. +public! (*f1a1cbef*):: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee +public! (*4297a328*):: She dead? (*4297a328*):: (*4297a328*):: If i’m getting my understanding of the term right, she was a carpetbagger


Mon Jul 22 02:54:44 2024 (*4297a328*):: +public! *** Ben Jones (@BW_Jones) on X *** This will be the first Presidential election since 1976 to not have a Biden, Bush, or Clinton on the ticket. *** X (formerly Twitter) (*f1a1cbef*):: They got to recruit someone like The Rock (*f1a1cbef*):: I think the DNC in chicago […]

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