atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Thu May 21 00:01:45 2020
<8f79fcda> <@U2S98EDNK> is there anything that you actually like?
<7d56dcb3> about the eye? not in particular…
<8f79fcda> no, i mean in general
<7d56dcb3> tiddies. i like big tiddies.
<8f79fcda> is that all?
<8f79fcda> i’ll rephrase
<7d56dcb3> photos taken from the 1989 tienanmen square riots


<7d56dcb3> shit was wild…
<8f79fcda> is there anything in your life that brings you joy, happines, or a feeling of love?
<7d56dcb3> my big tiddy porno stash
<8f79fcda> anything else?
<7d56dcb3> muh big booty porn stash
<8f79fcda> I’ll rephrase – do you believe in anything beyond what you can see or touch?
<7d56dcb3> sure
<8f79fcda> do you have a sense of purpose in your life?
<7d56dcb3> somewhat. in a sense. what’s the point of all these questions?
<8f79fcda> i guess i’m hoping to get a sense of what motivates you, interests you, and brings you happiness
<8f79fcda> beyond tiddies – mostly because i can’t give you tiddies
<8f79fcda> selfishly, it would give me some context to your commentary so I can figure out if you’re being genuine, here to ruffle feathers for amusement, or … “other”
<8f79fcda> our little corner of the comfy web is exactly that… comfy
<8f79fcda> we can spar all day if you’d like – but many of your quips are years passed in this chan
<8f79fcda> (that means we had extensive discussions in the past on things that you’re talking about)

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