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Anon Ymous

Thu May 21 05:42:41 2020
<8f79fcda> <|>
— Unrestricted Warfare
— Unrestricted Warfare (simplified Chinese: 超限战; traditional Chinese: 超限戰; lit.: ‘warfare beyond bounds’) is a book on military strategy written in 1999 by two colonels in the People’s Liberation Army, Qiao Liang (乔良) and Wang Xiangsui (王湘穗). Its primary concern is how a nation such as China can defeat a technologically superior opponent (such as the United States) through a variety of means. Rather than focusing on direct military confrontation, this book instead examines a variety of other means. Such means include using International Law (see Lawfare) and a variety of economic means to place one’s opponent in a bad position and circumvent the need for direct military action.

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