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Anon Ymous

Thu May 21 15:52:43 2020
<7d56dcb3> from a global military standpoint, i don’t see chinese bases anywhere near the US, while i see US bases right up their doorstep. so no, they are not the real enemy, and the real enemy are the politically subversive forces who sabotage the US from within.
<773ab1f1> US has enemies both domestic and abroad

<773ab1f1> And meh, I don’t give a fuck about China. Deal with it China.
<7d56dcb3> we complain about china, but honestly, we created china. american companies are the ones who off-shored all their factories to china and gutted american manufacturing. that’s not china’s fault. like what are they supposed to do, say no to goods jobs in solidarity with american union workers?
<7d56dcb3> you know what i don’t see in the US? chinese bases. you know what i do see? chinese products, chinese products everywhere. that’s the reality of what you consider “the chinese threat”.
<7d56dcb3> like omg the chinese are killing us with this… chinese toothbrush! my keyboard, my monitor, etc… all made in china… omg the threat of the CCP is real!
<5547a085> There really weren’t any chinese products to speak of until a few decades ago from the ramped up production value of the offshoring you mention, they had been relegated to strictly manufacturing international IP
<5547a085> <>
<5547a085> And the companies that might be creating their own products or investing overseas are rife with fraud
<9e126bf3> China is trying to catch up with the US. If they could build a damn base in Mexico they would do it tomorrow
<9e126bf3> They already have one in Africa, probably more coming
<7d56dcb3> nah man china doesn’t have the capability to project force like that. they’re not like america with dozens of carrier groups patrolling the world’s oceans…
<7d56dcb3> i mean, they might be able to pull a cuban missile crisis, but who knows…
<7d56dcb3> real talk though, china is a regional power, not a global one. and even in their home turf, they have american bases stationed in south korea and japan. the american threat to china is way more real than the other way around.
<9e126bf3> They don’t have all the bases and carrier groups because they are still building that. They are much more of a global power now, so much so that people are already declaring the world multipolar
<9e126bf3> It doesnt stay that way. Unstable configuration with multiple poles vying for hegemony
<7d56dcb3> and you prefer one strong centralized global power? like the US? so real patriots like snowden and assange have nowhere to run to?
<7d56dcb3> whatever happened to “absolute power corrupts absolutely”?
<9e126bf3> No, I don’t prefer that so much as I REALLY don’t want CCP in that position instead
<7d56dcb3> lol what about russia?
<9e126bf3> US being world police is one thing, but we have a culture of dissent that has a chance of reigning in totalitarian tendencies. They can’t even keep us locked down
<9e126bf3> yeah fuck them too, no thanks
<7d56dcb3> or the EU? you want to EU instead? lol or the UK thought police&gt; lmfao
<9e126bf3> oh God definitely not the EU or UK
<9e126bf3> basically CCP-lite
<7d56dcb3> dude we might have a culture of dissent, but has that stopped assange or snowden from being targetted by our own tyrannical government?
<7d56dcb3> look at what happened to alex jones… so much for culture of dissent…
<7d56dcb3> “culture of dissent”

<9e126bf3> no and that is a real problem.
<9e126bf3> But Jones isn’t silenced, his platform is blowing up
<9e126bf3> he got smart and quit relying on other’s infrastructure
<9e126bf3> He would have been disappeared already in other countries, even EU/UK
<7d56dcb3> jones got deplatformed and is actively being suppressed by the msm. and where’s trump in all this? why hasn’t he given alex jones a press pass yet? lmfao
<5547a085> Yeah, now you guys are hitting on the good points, this is what we like to see here
<9e126bf3> Yeah it is a problem, not just Jones but anyone pushing back is being silenced. I believe Trump is on the first amendment side of this, he just has to tread really carefully. These people are psychopaths and will kill him if they can get away with it
<9e126bf3> it would be different if, say, the FBI started seizing Jones’ domains and such for “criminal” activity, though realistically that isn’t far off…
<9e126bf3> bad shit is coming down the pipe one way or another
<7d56dcb3> just plant CP on his computers and then tell the world Jones was raided for CP
<9e126bf3> they literally already tried that

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