atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Tue May 26 18:15:12 2020
<8f79fcda> which brings us back to the topic of this chan: Communism is Cancer
<7d56dcb3> corporate espionage and capitalism is not “communism” though
<7d56dcb3> farm subsidies are pretty “communist” if you think about it
<8f79fcda> it is when communists do it for their CCP puppet masters…
<8f79fcda> lol, yeah, having deep red state farmers bitch about urban welfare when they get a 3x price subsidy
<8f79fcda> that’s a pretty bad one
<8f79fcda> we have a chan for that <#C013N7Y1F9V|badpolicynotaxes>
<7d56dcb3> china joining the wto and opening up their economy to free trade is “communism”?
<8f79fcda> when they heavily tariff everything going out, and currency manipulate everything going in to their country… yes
<8f79fcda> they absolutely distort market prices
<8f79fcda> and offest those distortions with pain, misery, and gulags
<7d56dcb3> all monetary policies distort market prices, we’re really no different in that regard…
<8f79fcda> sounds pretty fucking communist to me
<7d56dcb3> becuz fed money printer go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttt
<8f79fcda> marx also highlighted the importance of central banking in the implementation of a communist state
<8f79fcda> sooo… no news there
<7d56dcb3> marx was also very pro-gun
<8f79fcda> (probably explains why we’re fans of crypto… idk… just maybe…)
<8f79fcda> he was pro-gun for the right people
<7d56dcb3> yeah well china’s financial institutions are probably looking to our financial institutions on how to “contain” bitcoin too
<8f79fcda> and making early moves on it that we learn from lol… that is… unless… we created bitcoin in the first place in a deep dark basement so that everyone would get spooked about the all-powerful nature and inherent dangers of MMT
<8f79fcda> :shocked_face_with_exploding_head:
<8f79fcda> <#C0L7GBHE1|conspiracy-facts>
<7d56dcb3> it’s the other way around…
<7d56dcb3> see the genesis block…
<7d56dcb3> bitcoin was created due to the inherent dangers of the MMT
<7d56dcb3> cuz of the 2009 bailouts
<8f79fcda> and yet, the message to be wary of it is still making the rounds
<8f79fcda> good chat – i gotta bounce for work tho ttyl
<8f79fcda> this is the crux issue on whether you want to join the zeitgeist of this chan

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