atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Wed May 27 15:01:43 2020
<8f79fcda> <@U4FQ46RGU> any ideas on how i could best create a neet hypothesis for McCarthyBot? so i can return to the ai people and learn from their expertise on how to refine my model? something to spook them out a little?
<8f79fcda> like… interpolating Schelling points on a convex function
<773ab1f1> I’m still pretty new to the space, but you are gonna have to start using their terms of art
<8f79fcda> yeah :disappointed:
<773ab1f1> there are a few cool NLP videos I’m gonna toss your way….
<8f79fcda> it’s a long con if anything
<8f79fcda> 🙂
<773ab1f1> <>
— Deep Learning For Coders—36 hours of lessons for free
— <|>’s practical deep learning MOOC for coders. Learn CNNs, RNNs, computer vision, NLP, recommendation systems, pytorch, time series, and much more
<773ab1f1> Dude if the worse thing that comes out of it is you learn NLP, you are doing pretty good
<773ab1f1> <>
<773ab1f1> NLP is one of the areas I understand in ML the least.
<773ab1f1> Dude its like bitcoin though, once you see the raw power, you can’t unsee it
<773ab1f1> these freakin data super weapons
<773ab1f1> You gotta have a decent amount of baseline knowledge about RNN/CNN before getting a good grip on that second link
<773ab1f1> Always remember though, everyone who is skilled or extremely technical was at one point not. Why not you too? You know how to get to carnegie hall? Practice!
<773ab1f1> I’m gonna pound this shit until I get it in my head by shear tyranny of will
<773ab1f1> Like any technical subculture on the internet, maybe 80% of them are just repeating the ‘party line’. That is, parroting the points of others. Only maybe 20% are free thinkers.
<773ab1f1> Also, keep in mind, the space is so vast, there are gaps in their knowledge too. Most of them anyway. There are a few golden gods
<773ab1f1> And as well all no, the quickest way to get the right answer on a question is to assert something that is false, someone will come correct you super quick.
<8f79fcda> i have a machine learning and tensorflow book lying around somewhere – *digs around office*
<773ab1f1> Machine learning is so artisinal that you can flop around for five years in text books and not really move the needle forward with regards to your ability to have an impact ont he world
<8f79fcda> yeah that makes sense

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