Thu Jul 9 22:32:42 2020
<773ab1f1> gaba-a and gaba-b receptors are ‘activated’ with benzos/barbs/alcohol. Its the feeling of being drunk. Its an anxiolytic.
<773ab1f1> more accurate to say benzo/barbs/alcohol are gaba agonists. gaba antagonists ‘block’ that receptor site. (not 100% accurate but good for our purposes)
<773ab1f1> Same way narcan saves a heroin addict. It kicks the opioid off the mu-opioid receptor
<773ab1f1> The logic goes like this. How about we just put someone in a coma, and kick the drug off the receptor, precipiating withdrawal while they are in a coma
<773ab1f1> That way, they wake up one-two weeks later, and they withdrawaled while unconcious.
<773ab1f1> This strategy is incredibly appealing to a drug addict as it (theoritically) removes the withdrawal as a hurdle towards getting clean
<8f79fcda> Soooo… the trainspotting method with extra drugs
<773ab1f1> it doesn’t really work like that at all
<773ab1f1> Pretty much, its kind of a ‘rush job’ on the withdrawal.
<773ab1f1> Addiction is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more complex though
<8f79fcda> Sounds incredibly dangerous
<773ab1f1> Oh god it is
<8f79fcda> Like… oops I fell in to a coma and died by accident
<773ab1f1> Its dangerous enough for opioids but for benzo it is literally malpractice
<773ab1f1> it pretty much is for opioids, but for benzos, its literally an insane option.
<8f79fcda> Hence Russia
<773ab1f1> Hence Russia. I think his daughter put out that communication that basically said ‘these pussy ass canadian doctors don’t have to stones to practice real medicine’
<773ab1f1> I read that and I was like ooooffffff.\
<8f79fcda> dayumm
<8f79fcda> I share her sentiment about Canada
<8f79fcda> But damn
<773ab1f1> regardless man, if he got clean off benzos on his first attempt he deserves a god damn medal
<773ab1f1> Generally by the time you are looking up doctors in russia looking for that miracle cure, its not your first attempt
<773ab1f1> far from it. thats a hail mary play