Sun Jul 12 19:49:50 2020
<853f0f69> Not sure if it’s meth., but drugs stronger than MJ haha.
It that’s the bad park every city has where a shooting is more likely than not gonna to Halle. A 13 yr black boy shot there last week and a few others the past month.
Her fiancé knew what was up. Bringing a gun to the park. Notice Cassandra leaves out some details regarding shooting several shots from far away at the group a missing?
Looking through more primary sources, not Fairbanks article, there was never a mention of her getting shot several times in the head as her father/grandpa was quoted saying to Cassandra. How can several shots hit her I. The head from long distance, while her fiancé unloads a clip and can’t hit the group that was shooting
<853f0f69> > Again I wouldn’t use thjs as a rallying call. Sucks she died and has a kid. So hopefully they stop with “all she did said was all lives matter and they muffled
> ” Bc there is more than that going on. It does make a good headline
<853f0f69> Also this is standard procedure for Cassandra over the years. That’s why I looked some more into it.