atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Tue Aug 18 15:27:09 2020
<773ab1f1> hah, which one is that
<8f79fcda> I think it’s head kicker
<9e126bf3> haha its that bundle of sticks. Enjoy prison piece of shit
<773ab1f1> Man, some of these guys are either a. not very smart or b. have never interacted with the criminal justice system before
<773ab1f1> I say it like this, if I got sitting senators or the president tweeting about my crime caught on video, thats fucking it man, i’m gone
<773ab1f1> Try again in some other corner of the world
<773ab1f1> Its a 100% certainty you are gonna get charged and god help you if the DA or US attorney is conservative.
<773ab1f1> There are some crimes where a judge can kinda, if he/she is in the mood, maybe kinda sorta show a little mercy
<773ab1f1> this ain’t one of them

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