atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Fri Aug 21 20:41:10 2020
<853f0f69> InfraNodus: Generate Insight Using Text Network Analsysis

— InfraNodus: Generate Insight Using Text Network Analsysis
— Network analysis and visualization tool for text mining, topic modeling, data analysis, and structural gap detection.

<853f0f69> InfraNodus: Generate Insight Using Text Network Analsysis

works with raw text, PDFs, spreadsheets, Twitter, Google, Evernote and RSS feeds

<853f0f69> <>
— noduslabs/infranodus
— A Node.Js / Neo4J tool that translates words and relations into network graphs and shows you how it all connects.
<853f0f69> You can also import Google search results for a certain query
<853f0f69> You can also use #hashtags and @mentions to create nodes and edges in the graph
<5547a085> :eyes:

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