atx crypto club

Author: Anon Ymous


<09ed3757> &lt;;amp;utm_medium=coindesk&amp;amp;utm_term=&amp;amp;utm_content=&amp;amp;utm_campaign=Organic%20|;amp;utm_medium=coindesk&amp;amp;utm_term=&amp;amp;utm_content=&amp;amp;utm_campaign=Organic%20&gt;


<5547a085> Most sovereign nations will at some point become allergens <5547a085> City states are natural allies <5547a085> &lt;@U8F8V823B&gt; no kyc/aml afaik from the last time I checked <5547a085> I haven’t spent much time on their platform


<9e126bf3> soon the state will start kidnapping kids &lt;;


<21c2e595> &lt;@U07MMSG8M&gt; how is bilaxy? it looks like a binance clone <09ed3757> The really fun question: which country/network is trying to tank btc?


<d666283b> &lt;|;


<09ed3757> &lt;; <09ed3757> Bugaloo Status: Active


<09ed3757> Nice <09ed3757> BSV trying to build a floor at .013 btc <09ed3757> $ Price BSV/BTC <09ed3757> :smiling_imp::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


<09ed3757> The question is… how could we do an FOSS competitor to the Bloomberg terminal? <09ed3757> &lt;@UM0TYPAQ5&gt; I think that&#8217;s something to contemplate


<9e126bf3> Toolberg wants the US to be a province of China


<9e126bf3> too much soy for that cowboy




<5547a085> The gelded age


<5547a085> ^ look how basic that cowboy emoji is


<403e98f2> ‘Shattered’: Inside the secret battle to save America’s undercover spies in the digital age &lt;;


<09ed3757> &lt;|;


<09ed3757> &lt;|; Or assange&#8217;s dead man switch gets activated 🙁


<09ed3757> <09ed3757> Oh yea, Michael Bloomberg is a pinko fuckwad


<09ed3757> Soooo bullish on bsv? :smirk: <09ed3757> My theory is that the social media tech industry may become obsolete

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