<09ed3757> Nah, then it’d be the Chinese at the head of the snake <09ed3757> As if they aren’t <09ed3757> Point is, if we exit the UN, we’ll have “peacekeepers” in Virginia right now
<09ed3757> Nah, then it’d be the Chinese at the head of the snake <09ed3757> As if they aren’t <09ed3757> Point is, if we exit the UN, we’ll have “peacekeepers” in Virginia right now
<9e126bf3> Embrace blockchain like a boa constrictor I’m sure. <9e126bf3> US should exit the UN
<9e126bf3> All my tapes are in ATX in storage, gonna bust em out when I get back <9e126bf3> Sweet
<403e98f2> But that helps the Grey economy
<403e98f2> I would buy bitcoin with my 12k per year <403e98f2> Maybe some booze <403e98f2> Probably some drugs
<403e98f2> What makes you think this?
<403e98f2> Dude I’m down
<502edbb8> <https://www.vox.com/recode/2019/12/10/20996869/facebook-political-ads-targeting-alex-stamos-interview-open-sourced>
<502edbb8> I wish these leaders would explain themselves more <502edbb8> ’embrace blockchain’ in what capacity <502edbb8> whos been in your ear buddy
<09ed3757> UN-coin
<502edbb8> <https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaeldelcastillo/2019/12/28/secretary-general-says-united-nations-must-embrace-blockchain/#526daee41379>
<75f07d61> I think these guys are gonna be in ATX on the 31st
<75f07d61> <https://youtu.be/sstB3BBDjtE|https://youtu.be/sstB3BBDjtE>
<502edbb8> Yo <@UM0TYPAQ5> Jess (and me) want you to join us for New Years if you would like to! <502edbb8> It’s gonna be me, Britt and two of Jess’s friends from birth right (I think)
<502edbb8> <https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/egdtej/poster_for_the_restored_rerelease_of_1985s_come/>
<502edbb8> Holy Fuck. <502edbb8> Poster for the Restored Re-Release of 1985’s ‘Come And See’ <502edbb8> So when I was in college I was dead broke. I mean, dead broke. Couldn’t afford food broke. The one thing I could afford to do though was to pirate movies. I must have watched 800 movies. <502edbb8> There was […]
<09ed3757> They want trump to be a wartime president