atx crypto club

Author: Anon Ymous


<5547a085> Lol the more poignant memes are always the best


<502edbb8> <502edbb8> I don’t know if that is real or not yet, but if it is, it is one of the craziest things ive ever seen


<9e126bf3> Ground control to Major Tom, I think my mind was beamed to the wrong solar system :hypnotoad:


<5547a085> I think the plan is to travel into space via 5G and 6G repeaters as cybernetic avatars


<403e98f2> Space force will take us deep down the xor graphs of cyber space. <403e98f2> And meat space


<403e98f2> Ya. Im friends with ddosecrets and they got good social media graphing peeps


<09ed3757> Just submit well formed hypotheses to them and they&#8217;ll prolly investigate <09ed3757> Doing the data analysis probably takes less time than writing the articles for them lol


<403e98f2> Ya. I got the basics down but I let the pros do pro work. Ha


<09ed3757> red eyed robot :angrydoge: <09ed3757> angry looking robots <09ed3757> this is an entire realm of philosophy that needs exploration <09ed3757> I think we could weigh-in on it as a group if we had the time and company to support it


<d666283b> &lt;|;


<09ed3757> It&#8217;s a branch of the Air Force (they&#8217;re responsible for air waves (and basically electromagnetic spectrum operating space) <09ed3757> Kinda like how the marines are affiliated with the navy <9e126bf3> makes sense, air is between ground and space lol


<09ed3757> If you remember, the first freedom Friday, the flyers we made were upside down American flags


<09ed3757> all this commie symbolism is rustling my jimmies <09ed3757> technically we’re propagating the meme and that unsettles me <09ed3757> :face_vomiting: <5547a085> Yeah that the heck <5547a085> Are we to become like antifa and walk around with a red dash through a swastika? <09ed3757> no – not at all <09ed3757> i need more upside down […]


<5547a085> Dave Collum’s year in review: &lt;|;


<09ed3757> yea, good writing. they’re pretty sophisticated in their approach on analysis <09ed3757> &lt;@UM0TYPAQ5&gt; it seems like twitter is where you could learn more about the tools they use


<5547a085> Impeach the impeachers <5547a085> Like a poacher


<502edbb8> &lt;;

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