atx crypto club

Author: Anon Ymous


<9e126bf3> commies gotta get their rations too bro <9e126bf3> this svg is pretty straightforward and clean <9e126bf3> huh it doesn’t display inline in slack (though it does on the upload menu… ). Maybe attachment will still work on the site


<9e126bf3> US Space Force!! :rocket: :earth_americas:


<9e126bf3> We need to impeach the word “impeach” <9e126bf3> Also I saw the new SW yesterday, its basically return of the jedi imo.. not bad though. Entertaining enough. <502edbb8> Caught ‘the lighthouse’ last night, super good <502edbb8> filmed in a funky aspect ratio, cineamotography was badass remicent of 1950s german black and white films <9e126bf3> […]


<9e126bf3> it’s like our minds are qubits and they’re constantly entangling with each other, creating discrete worlds with alternative, but no less true, facts


<9e126bf3> &lt;@U036M05JL&gt; triggered!! :joy: <9e126bf3> The tagged names are semi masked because they show up as slack ID strings, but I’ll probably have it come out to the same hash so the convo is a little more readable when ppl are tagged


<403e98f2> I use hypothesis for annotations. its a really cool open source tool. I plan on adding highlights and thoughts and toss them here: &lt;;


<403e98f2> What the fuck? I&#8217;m downloading some images and clip art to share (sickles, hammers, the usual commie memes) and the website wants to charge me money? What kind of commie svg vector artist is this? <403e98f2> I&#8217;m grabbing a few fcool pics. useful for blog post and stock photos. Also meme templates. <403e98f2> I […]


<403e98f2> really solid article. Not only the data analysis, but the intro, explanation, and flow worked really well with the story


<d3f496ca> &lt;@U07MMSG8M&gt; wow guess she’s getting impeached huh <d3f496ca> Interesting cognitive phenomenon: Watch for people starting to use “impeach” in everyday speech <d3f496ca> It’s already starting <d3f496ca> &lt;|; <d3f496ca> ^ example


<403e98f2> How fake news and alternative facts signal a paradigm shift in global quantum reality | South China Morning Post &lt;;


<09ed3757> &lt;|; <09ed3757> &lt;@UM0TYPAQ5&gt; ^


<09ed3757> Where the fuck is that from <09ed3757> I don&#8217;t like it <09ed3757> And yes, attachements do work <09ed3757> Here&#8217;s the real test &lt;@U03694HFD&gt; <09ed3757> (Testing if tagged names get masked too)


<09ed3757> And Michael Obama has a dick


<5547a085> What goes around comes around: &lt;; <5547a085> Cancellous HomoTransPhobus! <9e126bf3> lol yup <5547a085> Can this spell be cast on Nancy Pelosi? <9e126bf3> it’ll happen eventually <9e126bf3> they’re going after Obama too for telling ppl to calm down with the far left shit


<9e126bf3> image attachments should be working on now


<5547a085> &lt;; <09ed3757> This is awesome


<9e126bf3> test image upload <9e126bf3> hello, world! <9e126bf3> test multi image upload


<9e126bf3> testing multi image upload <9e126bf3> hello, world!!


<9e126bf3> test upload image <9e126bf3> hello world!

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