atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Fri Jul 10 06:34:56 2020
<853f0f69> I am an orphan and the use of the word “parent” also causes me significant trauma,
<853f0f69> :white_check_mark: r/buttcoin post; rename orphan blocks
<853f0f69> <|>
— #12148 Remove unnecessary racially offensive terms from code
— Trigger warning: discussion about racism below.

In <|multiple> <|points> <|in> <|the> <|code> the term “black magic” is mentioned in the comments. Much like the terms “blacklist”, “whitelist”, and “master”, which have <|recently been proven to be offensive>, we should remove mentions of this term as well. “Black magic” refers to magic used for evil purposes, and is based off the arbitrary connection between black and evil. This sends the wrong message to people and can be downright offensive. That’s why I propose we remove all mentions of it from the codebase.

Disclaimer: I am not claiming that I am offended by the term, however I am sure there are many people who would be, which is why it’s important to remove this term.

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