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Anon Ymous

Sat Oct 12 12:58:19 2024
(*f1a1cbef*):: Annoyed #waywaybackmachine machine is down. I started looking into this:

Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism (French: Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire du Jacobinisme) is a book by Abbé Augustin Barruel, a French Jesuit priest. It was written and published in French in 1797-98, and translated into English in 1799.

In the book, Barruel claims that the French Revolution was the result of a deliberate conspiracy or plot to overthrow the throne, altar and aristocratic society in Europe. The plot was allegedly hatched by a coalition of philosophes, Freemasons. The conspirators created a system that was inherited by the Jacobins who operated it to its greatest potential. The Memoirs purports to expose the Revolution as the culmination of a long history of subversion. Barruel was not the first to make these charges but he was the first to present them in a fully developed historical context and his evidence was on a quite unprecedented scale. Barruel wrote each of the first three volumes of the book as separate discussions of those who contributed to the conspiracy. The fourth volume is an attempt to unite them all in a description of the Jacobins in the French Revolution. Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism is representative of the criticism of the Enlightenment that spread throughout Europe during the Revolutionary period.x
(*f1a1cbef*):: much appreciated
(*f1a1cbef*):: I want to read more conspiracy books froom 100+ years ago. I want to know what past generation NEETs were saying
(*b05743e5*):: I did look a bit into the French Revolution and it’s super sus. Had a conversation with a lib of the emo kind a little while ago, where he claimed to be egalitarian – very emotionally correct. Funny that they always forget about the other two words in the slogan, and don’t even know about the fourth one that was “buried”.
(*b05743e5*):: Liberté, egalité, fraternite… ou la mort
(*f1a1cbef*):: haha
(*f1a1cbef*):: +public!
(*f1a1cbef*):: Full compilation with all volumes.

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