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Category: breakaway_civilization


Sat Aug 10 18:23:48 2024 (*097dfbf6*):: +public! *** An Evil Twin Universe Could Be Behind Our Universe’s Rapid Expansion *** Something is making the fabric of our Universe grow at an ever-accelerating rate, and scientists are truly stumped on what it could be. *** ScienceAlert (*4297a328*):: Kabbalists call it evil because it’s the Kingdom […]


Fri Aug 2 07:08:55 2024 (*097dfbf6*):: +public! *** Warp Drive Collapse Should Generate Gravitational Waves, Theoretical Astrophysicists Claim | Sci.News *** The principle idea behind a warp drive is that instead of exceeding the speed of light directly in a local reference frame, a ‘warp bubble’ could traverse distances faster than the speed of […]


Fri Jul 12 19:53:14 2024 (*f1a1cbef*):: +public! *** Culture Critic (@Culture_Crit) on X *** In 1963, a man noticed his chickens disappearing through a hole in his basement. He knocked through the wall, revealing what is hard to believe: a 20,000-person city, deep below ground. It was built by Christians over 1,000 years ago… […]


Sat Apr 20 17:47:24 2024 (*097dfbf6*)::[…]nt-work-just-produced-enough-thrust-to-defeat-earths-gravity/ +public! *** NASA Veteran’s Propellantless Propulsion Drive That Physics Says Shouldn’t Work Just Produced Enough Thrust to Overcome Earth’s Gravity – The Debrief *** A veteran NASA scientist says his company has tested a propellantless propulsion drive technology that produced one Earth gravity of thrust. *** The Debrief […]


Fri Mar 1 03:47:15 2024 (*4e3d9761*):: (*4e3d9761*):: *** BAE Systems future technologies: growing unmanned air vehicles (UAV’s) through chemistry *** YouTube (*6952cd93*):: +public!


Sun Feb 25 22:09:34 2024 (*4e3d9761*):: *** Naval Research Laboratory Leverages Exotic Properties of 2D Waveguides to Capture the Light of Dark Excitons – The Debrief *** The milestone discovery of waveguides based on 2D materials with “exotic” properties has been achieved by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. *** The Debrief (*4cfb807c*):: +public!


Tue Dec 5 19:53:09 2023 (*6952cd93*):: +public! *** Cracked Piece of Metal Heals Itself in Experiment That Stuns Scientists *** File this under ‘That’s not supposed to happen!’: Scientists observed a metal healing itself, something never seen before. *** ScienceAlert


Wed Sep 20 16:37:22 2023 (*4e3d9761*):: *** Researchers Studying the Quantum Realm Observe Alice in Wonderland-Style Mirror Universe for First Time – The Debrief *** Researchers studying the quantum realm have seen evidence of a mirror universe where everything is the opposite of the real universe. *** The Debrief (*6952cd93*):: BREAKING: Physicists open portal […]

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