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Category: climate_communism


Mon Apr 10 14:34:17 2023 (*6952cd93*):: Lol the climate change models they are using to push world communism are totally wrong and they know it +public! *** Climate Science Shock: Methane’s Unexpected Cooling Impact Unveiled *** Impacts of potent greenhouse gas: a bit lower than previously thought. UC Riverside researchers found that methane not […]


Wed Mar 8 00:08:03 2023 (*6952cd93*):: ^ they are so retarded. They act like the energy to fill the damn batteries with comes out of thin air like magic. Fucking commies (*4cfb807c*):: *** EVs are far cleaner than gas-powered cars — even if batteries require more mining *** Fossil fuel cars emit 12 times […]


Fri Jan 20 04:42:27 2023 (*6952cd93*):: :clown_face: they even say coffee pods are better for the climate than regular filters :clown_face: +public! *** People should drink less coffee to combat climate change, study says *** Canadian researchers analyzed coffee’s “contribution to climate change” in a piece published in early January and suggested people moderate their consumption […]


Sat Jan 14 21:22:56 2023 (*6952cd93*):: By saying “we are all responsible”, we avoid the fact that the global majority of us don’t need to change much, but a minority needs to change a lot. This is also a reminder that the idea that we need to renounce our luxuries and live more simply doesn’t […]


Fri Jan 13 18:07:52 2023 (*6952cd93*):: greta mad :greta: +public! (*6952cd93*):: ^ look at the clowny comments bitching that “denialists” will use this lmaooo. *** New imaging finds trigger for massive global warming 56 million years ago *** 56 million years ago, hot magma scorched the sediments under the Atlantic seafloor. *** Ars Technica […]


Tue Dec 13 03:45:09 2022 (*6952cd93*):: clouds are bad :clown_face: +public! *** One of climate change’s great mysteries is finally being solved *** For over a decade, the largest scientific uncertainty about how the planet will respond to warming temperatures has come from clouds. *** Washington Post


Tue Nov 22 19:19:26 2022 (*6952cd93*):: the absolute bat shit insane hubris of this is maddening. Life on Earth has survived billions of years without some clown assholes BLOCKING OUT THE SUN … what the fuck????? Why do people believe this insane shit? Why doesn’t occur to people that extreme weather happened before without any […]


Mon Nov 14 08:44:07 2022 (*6952cd93*):: *** oh shit better wear 3 masks, the science changed again :clown_face: +public! U03694HFD coronavirus oh shit better wear 3 masks, the science changed again :clown_face: +public!


Sun Nov 6 20:44:31 2022 (*6952cd93*):: +public! *** COP27 finance: Will richer nations hand over the cash? *** Negotiations on money and compensation are expected to be the main sticking point at this year’s climate summit. *** BBC News

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