atx crypto club

Category: commiewatch


Tue May 19 21:15:28 2020 <5547a085> Wow another false equivalency, so funny I forgot to laugh


Tue May 19 21:01:08 2020 <7d56dcb3> the stock market is communist. it is communal ownership of a company, of the means of production.


Tue May 19 20:48:02 2020 <7d56dcb3> but what does it matter? money’s money. and if they were funded by chicoms, then a lot of them lost money cuz of how oversaturated the market got.


Tue May 19 20:32:32 2020 <7d56dcb3> <@U07MMSG8M> how do we make it happen?


Tue May 19 19:37:54 2020 <5547a085> Moped sharing would be dope as fuck!


Tue May 19 17:37:39 2020 <8f79fcda> 1 hour 15 minutes in… i am soothed <8f79fcda> 9 more hours to go


Tue May 19 16:59:29 2020 <8f79fcda> song has resumed


Tue May 19 15:18:38 2020 <8f79fcda> “Achieving Zen through the song that never ends” <8f79fcda> if i’m ever held captive against my will, i would use this song to torture my captors <8f79fcda> talk about judo <8f79fcda> <@U2S98EDNK> &gt; if china is communist explain this <8f79fcda> it’s… exactly what we would expect from a communist […]


Tue May 19 15:11:06 2020 <8f79fcda> I think if I listen to this for 10 hours… i might slip into a coma, or have an out-of-body enlightenment <8f79fcda> i’m at 23 minutes


Tue May 19 14:23:34 2020 <9e126bf3> communal ownership of anything is achievable with transferrable shares of a commodity aggregate. I’m rather inspired by condo communities- when they are done right, it’s sort of the best of both worlds, commie sharing of community resources but each owner owns shares in the form of sqft of the […]


Tue May 19 14:02:33 2020 <8f79fcda> It’s like saying “we solved the traveling salesman problem ‘simply’ by creating a salesman on every corner” and didn’t take it a step further realizing that the traveling salesman problem also applies to scheduling and localized demand


Tue May 19 13:53:52 2020 <8f79fcda> It’s a perfect proxy example of petite communism…. “bike sharing” is commune ownership via a technocratic app that promises to keep them maintained and orderly. Several problems with mopeds is that they cost a lot of money, making them more likely to be stolen. They have increased maintenance costs, […]


Tue May 19 13:35:53 2020 <7d56dcb3> there are multiple companies, not just lime bike. not really sure if all the investors are chinese, or just some of them. <7d56dcb3> bikes and scooters are oversaturated though <7d56dcb3> i wanna see someone come up with moped or ebike sharing. i can see those actually being useful.


Tue May 19 13:24:58 2020 <8f79fcda> The outcome of a command economy funded by coked out VC funded technocratic green socialists that wanted to force a product that lost money because they don’t have an understanding of basic economics and/or actually prove the market demand and business model. Same fundamental problem as door dash… if […]


Tue May 19 13:02:05 2020 <7d56dcb3> if china is communist, explain this bullshit: <> — ZIRP explains the world — A Margins’ theory of everything — The Bike-Share Oversupply in China: Huge Piles of Abandoned and Broken Bicycles — Gigantic piles of impounded, abandoned, and broken bicycles have become a familiar sight in many Chinese […]


Tue May 19 05:36:52 2020 <5547a085> <|> — Google bans Podcast Addict app after 9 years for letting users play podcasts that reference COVID-19 — Google says it needs to be authorized by official government entities or public health organizations.


Mon May 18 17:38:45 2020 <5547a085> <|>


Sun May 17 14:41:11 2020 <7d56dcb3> ngl i love cheap shit from ikea. i know it’s all made in china, but i love cheap shit from them. <7d56dcb3> correction: looks like some of their cheap shit is also from india… <7d56dcb3> ikea has a very interesting pricing structure… all their essentials always have a shit-tier […]


Sun May 17 13:18:25 2020 <8f79fcda> They should lean in: “Deal’s so good you’ll want to come again”

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