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Category: machinelearning


Tue Feb 18 06:05:34 2020 <773ab1f1> GUESS WHO JUST HAD A CONVO WITH MICROSOFTS ML/SECURITY TEAM LEAD WHO IS HIRING <773ab1f1> hint: he has two thumbs


Tue Feb 18 05:49:09 2020 <773ab1f1> <>


Tue Feb 18 05:37:56 2020 <d666283b> Using optical gas imaging cameras to detect leakage and send out alerts to operators if one occurs. Ideally use computer vision to start training models to identify how many parts per million the leak is


Tue Feb 18 05:24:14 2020 <d666283b> On the down low, I’m talking to a potential oil and gas client that wants a computer vision solution for detecting hydrocarbon leakage <773ab1f1> Crap trump thought I invited you. I think it got trevorwt instead. Whoever he is <773ab1f1> How ya approachin the problem zorak? <773ab1f1> kick out […]


Tue Feb 18 05:05:24 2020 <773ab1f1> dude you would be amazed at how the image recongition works in ML <773ab1f1> First you gotta do a bit of a primer on image processing pre machine learning <773ab1f1> Some of the training methods to shorten training times start with like 4 pixels by 4 pixels and slowly […]

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