atx crypto club

Category: murica


<09ed3757> &#21160;&#24577;&#32593;&#33258;&#30001;&#38376;&#22825;&#23433;&#38376;&#22825;&#23433;&#38376;&#27861;&#36718;&#21151;&#26446;&#27946;&#24535;Free Tibet &#20845;&#22235;&#22825;&#23433;&#38376;&#20107;&#20214;The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 &#22825;&#23433;&#38376;&#22823;&#23648;&#26432;The Tiananmen Square Massacre &#21453;&#21491;&#27966;&#26007;&#20105;The Anti-Rightist Struggle &#22823;&#36291;&#36827;&#25919;&#31574;The Great Leap Forward &#25991;&#21270;&#22823;&#38761;&#21629;The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution &#20154;&#26435;Human Rights &#27665;&#36816;Democratization &#33258;&#30001;Freedom &#29420;&#31435;Independence &#22810;&#20826;&#21046;Multi-party system &#21488;&#28286;&#21488;&#28286;Taiwan Fo rmosa &#20013;&#21326;&#27665;&#22269;Republic of China &#35199;&#34255;&#22303;&#20271;&#29305;&#21776;&#21476;&#29305;Tibet &#36798;&#36182;&#21895;&#22043;Dalai Lama &#27861;&#36718;&#21151;Falun Dafa &#26032;&#30086;&#32500;&#21566;&#23572;&#33258;&#27835;&#21306;The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region &#35834;&#36125;&#23572;&#21644;&#24179;&#22870;Nobel Peace Prize &#21016;&#26241;&#27874;Liu Xiaobo Winnie the […]


<09ed3757> Honestly blockchain people would be the best for doing vote audits I think <09ed3757> But the problem is most blockchain people are also fucked in the head and want to swing elections too


<502edbb8> If the politicians get to test drugs, I want to test some drugs too! Sounds fun!


<403e98f2> thats why they dont make Nov 5th a holiday and give two days to vote. We get a holiday for everything BUT voting. like wtf? <403e98f2> Ideally we&#8217;d have paper ballots of a sort. If not AT LEAST a voting machine that provides printing functionality. Voting Thursday Friday Saturday, OFF ON Sunday, Voting Monday, […]


<09ed3757> &lt;|;


<09ed3757> &lt;|;


<9e126bf3> Ground control to Major Tom, I think my mind was beamed to the wrong solar system :hypnotoad:


<5547a085> I think the plan is to travel into space via 5G and 6G repeaters as cybernetic avatars


<403e98f2> Space force will take us deep down the xor graphs of cyber space. <403e98f2> And meat space


<09ed3757> It&#8217;s a branch of the Air Force (they&#8217;re responsible for air waves (and basically electromagnetic spectrum operating space) <09ed3757> Kinda like how the marines are affiliated with the navy <9e126bf3> makes sense, air is between ground and space lol


<9e126bf3> US Space Force!! :rocket: :earth_americas:


<09ed3757> &lt;|; <09ed3757> &lt;@UM0TYPAQ5&gt; ^

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