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Category: pdfs


Fri Aug 16 14:44:31 2024 (*097dfbf6*):: :star_of_david: :baphomet: +public! (*4cfb807c*):: Already lying and sliding right in the 1st paragraph: “… does it bear witness to nomenclature peculiar to talmudic literature, whose obscure origin has been lost?” —> We know the origins, they’re pharisaic, duh! Which is to say, that or of the pharisees, who conspired […]


Fri Aug 16 03:25:42 2024 (*097dfbf6*):: :star_of_david: :baphomet: +public! 1015256ar.pdf


Wed Aug 7 20:50:41 2024 (*f1a1cbef*):: *** Princes of Yen +public! *** Princes of Yen +public! *** Princes of Yen +public! *** Princes of Yen +public!


Thu May 16 23:05:10 2024 (*4297a328*):: *** Directory: +public! *** Directory: +public! *** Directory: +public! *** Directory: +public!

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