atx crypto club

Category: pol


<9e126bf3> We need to impeach the word “impeach” <9e126bf3> Also I saw the new SW yesterday, its basically return of the jedi imo.. not bad though. Entertaining enough. <502edbb8> Caught ‘the lighthouse’ last night, super good <502edbb8> filmed in a funky aspect ratio, cineamotography was badass remicent of 1950s german black and white films <9e126bf3> […]


<d3f496ca> &lt;@U07MMSG8M&gt; wow guess she’s getting impeached huh <d3f496ca> Interesting cognitive phenomenon: Watch for people starting to use “impeach” in everyday speech <d3f496ca> It’s already starting <d3f496ca> &lt;|; <d3f496ca> ^ example


<09ed3757> And Michael Obama has a dick


<5547a085> What goes around comes around: &lt;; <5547a085> Cancellous HomoTransPhobus! <9e126bf3> lol yup <5547a085> Can this spell be cast on Nancy Pelosi? <9e126bf3> it’ll happen eventually <9e126bf3> they’re going after Obama too for telling ppl to calm down with the far left shit


<09ed3757> &lt;|; <09ed3757> Barely electable drunkard.


<d3f496ca> Heheh


<5547a085> &lt;@U0F3N7HC0&gt; Reposting this because it still gives me a hearty lolz:


<d3f496ca> &lt;|; <d3f496ca> This is interesting, some funky stuff going on in Virginia wrt gun laws


<5547a085> Yeah, to even begin to mention quid pro quo and leave out 50 years of forever war


<09ed3757> Yeah, agreed


<5547a085> She’s breakin’ my ballz




<9e126bf3> She’s dead to me


<09ed3757> &lt;!here&gt; here&#8217;s your precious tulsi… didn&#8217;t even have the balls to vote no


<9e126bf3> disgusting


<9e126bf3> shit works, I’d rather gov use WP than spend dumb gov money on some over engineered BS <09ed3757> DOWN WITH THE DEMOCRAT PARTY FOREVER <9e126bf3> turnabout’s fair play <09ed3757> That last part: &#8220;I wanted this on the indelible record&#8221; <09ed3757> Angry doge is angry <09ed3757> &lt;|; <09ed3757> This bitch <09ed3757> Time to prep the […]


<502edbb8> The die is cast. <502edbb8> &lt;; <9e126bf3> even the whitehouse uses a wordpress install lol <502edbb8> hahahaha that was my first thought too <502edbb8> really wp?


<502edbb8> Trump has been impeached <9e126bf3> :trump_lips: and across the rubicon we go :trump_lips:


<502edbb8> He was so much more lucid back then

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