Sun May 10 18:53:23 2020 <773ab1f1> <8f79fcda> Bastard
Sun May 10 18:53:23 2020 <773ab1f1> <8f79fcda> Bastard
Sun May 10 15:35:16 2020 <8f79fcda> <https://www.thedailybeast.com/biden-campaign-is-secretly-building-a-republican-group|https://www.thedailybeast.com/biden-campaign-is-secretly-building-a-republican-group> — Biden Campaign Is Secretly Building a Republican Group — “You don’t want something like this out on the street before it needs to be,” one GOP operative said. “It just makes it much harder to do.”
Sun May 10 05:14:26 2020 <7d56dcb3> “just like alexander the great vs the persian empire!”
Sun May 10 04:29:01 2020 <7d56dcb3> that’s not the craziest thing about that raid… not only were they packing airsoft guns… but they were live tweeting as the raid happened! <5547a085> Haha, here you go guys, bubble gum, $20 and a slingshot, take that country over
Sun May 10 03:56:34 2020 <8f79fcda> pinky and the brain at it again <8f79fcda> Venezuela stole a bunch of shit <5547a085> Those two dudes had smalls arms and a loose pack of factions to promise money and supplies to, talk about hard job <5547a085> The navy had a support fleet along the coast (purely coincidentally) […]
Sun May 10 03:39:27 2020 <5547a085> Two illustrations of commie graffiti downtown, same few blocks, same red color; probably the same culprit around the same time period
Sun May 10 03:26:04 2020 <5547a085> Does anyone think its weird US mil operators casually tried to half-ass coup Venezuela during an oil glut + declared national pandemic and economic downturn? <5547a085> What was the strategic goal?
Sun May 10 03:13:37 2020 <8f79fcda>
Sun May 10 01:55:49 2020 <8f79fcda> Fuckin wow is right
Sun May 10 01:15:54 2020 <5547a085> wow
Sat May 9 23:59:03 2020 <9e126bf3> I just saw a random raccoon walking around downtown. And this stark display of decline
Sat May 9 22:33:28 2020 <8f79fcda> Yea, I know that cypher feeling
Sat May 9 22:14:18 2020 <5547a085> ZH acts as an aggregator; that particular blogger basically wrote 800 words derived from 3 tweets which is more or less something any one can do (or perhaps even automate with sentiment AI and make ad click revenue muah hah hah …) <5547a085> idk how I do it but […]
Sat May 9 21:08:53 2020 <87db2fe9> <https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/final-straw-elon-musk-says-hes-suing-alameda-county-moving-tesla-texas-or-nevada|https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/final-straw-elon-musk-says-hes-suing-alameda-county-moving-tesla-texas-or-nevada> — “This Is The Final Straw”: Elon Musk Melts Down, Says He’s Suing Alameda County & Moving Tesla Out Of California — “Tesla is the last carmaker left in CA”. <87db2fe9> I say zerohedge is morally bankrupt. <87db2fe9> Rather than spinning this story as “Musk fights against unconstitutional […]
Fri May 8 15:15:37 2020 <8f79fcda> <https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/496777-2019-border-crossings-into-us-from-canada-nearly-triple-growing|https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/496777-2019-border-crossings-into-us-from-canada-nearly-triple-growing> — 2019 border crossings into US from Canada nearly triple — The number of illegal border crossings into the United States from Canada nearly tripled in 2019, according to statistics obtained by <8f79fcda> Building a northern wall would be great too
Thu May 7 17:29:54 2020 <75f07d61> I would love to see steps towards a star trek economy! Usher in The Venus Project! <https://youtu.be/rvpTmiVhcxU|https://youtu.be/rvpTmiVhcxU> — THE VENUS PROJECT – A NEW WORLD SYSTEM | Full Documentary
Thu May 7 16:46:27 2020 <5547a085> Wow, Axl taking pot shots, Axl phonetically sounds just like ass-hole
Thu May 7 14:52:15 2020 <87db2fe9> <https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/may/07/finnish-basic-income-pilot-improved-wellbeing-study-finds-coronavirus|https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/may/07/finnish-basic-income-pilot-improved-wellbeing-study-finds-coronavirus> — Finnish basic income pilot improved wellbeing, study finds — First major study of scheme comes as economic toll of coronavirus prompts fresh interest in idea
Thu May 7 04:22:29 2020 <87db2fe9> <87db2fe9> I like mnuchin, he feels like a nerd for america <87db2fe9> If you watch him at the pressers, he’s competent, which given the nature of bureaucracy and gov’t, is saying something
Wed May 6 15:00:32 2020 <8f79fcda> It’s as if I heard millions of liberals trigger and then silence <8f79fcda> Darth Elon is the best Elon