Thu Sep 8 16:15:45 2022 (*6952cd93*):: https://bryanftan.medium.com/accept-interfaces-return-structs-in-go-d4cab29a301b +public! *** “Accept Interfaces, return structs” in Go *** Say goodbye to preemptive interfaces *** Medium
Thu Sep 8 16:15:45 2022 (*6952cd93*):: https://bryanftan.medium.com/accept-interfaces-return-structs-in-go-d4cab29a301b +public! *** “Accept Interfaces, return structs” in Go *** Say goodbye to preemptive interfaces *** Medium
Thu Sep 1 01:55:33 2022 (*b05743e5*):: https://medium.com/swlh/memory-optimizations-for-go-systems-48d95cf64a13 *** Memory Optimizations for Go Systems *** How to diagnose and optimize performance regressions caused by high memory usage in Go systems *** Medium (*6952cd93*):: +public!
Fri Aug 12 01:33:17 2022 (*6952cd93*):: https://devclass.com/2022/08/04/retire_javascript_says-json-creator-douglas-crockford/ +public! *** ‘The best thing we can do today to JavaScript is to retire it,’ says JSON creator Douglas Crockford • DEVCLASS *** Best thing we can do to JavaScript is retire it: JSON creator Douglas Crockford *** DEVCLASS (*8e881bee*):: FWIW some of the same arguments apply to […]
Wed Aug 10 21:20:44 2022 (*6952cd93*):: https://devclass.com/2022/08/04/retire_javascript_says-json-creator-douglas-crockford/ +public! *** ‘The best thing we can do today to JavaScript is to retire it,’ says JSON creator Douglas Crockford • DEVCLASS *** Best thing we can do to JavaScript is retire it: JSON creator Douglas Crockford *** DEVCLASS
Sat Aug 6 00:48:06 2022 (*30ec2690*):: a graybeard at stanford led a group working on what they called “the mill cpu” as a novel architecture. The story made the rounds back in 2014, haven’t heard anything it lately. Maybe we’ll see new architectures when more chips get made in America (*6952cd93*):: Eulogy for gEEks https://www.theregister.com/2022/07/18/electrical_engineers_extinction/ […]
Sat Aug 6 00:19:34 2022 (*6952cd93*):: Eulogy for gEEks https://www.theregister.com/2022/07/18/electrical_engineers_extinction/ +public! *** Engineers on brink of extinction threaten entire ecosystems *** Resting on its laurels is costing the industry its hardies *** theregister.com (*290283ee*):: One of reasons (at least for the compute areas) is that the architecture has tapped out since 2004 or so. In […]
Fri Aug 5 22:35:11 2022 (*6952cd93*):: Eulogy for gEEks https://www.theregister.com/2022/07/18/electrical_engineers_extinction/ +public! *** Engineers on brink of extinction threaten entire ecosystems *** Resting on its laurels is costing the industry its hardies *** theregister.com (*290283ee*):: One of reasons (at least for the compute areas) is that the architecture has tapped out since 2004 or so. In […]
Thu Jul 21 00:32:40 2022 (*6952cd93*):: Eulogy for gEEks https://www.theregister.com/2022/07/18/electrical_engineers_extinction/ +public! *** Engineers on brink of extinction threaten entire ecosystems *** Resting on its laurels is costing the industry its hardies *** theregister.com (*6952cd93*):: I always found it weird that software jobs were simply more lucrative than hardware. Maybe that’s about to change.
Mon Jul 18 16:38:16 2022 (*6952cd93*):: these little boards are getting nice https://www.cnx-software.com/2022/07/18/libre-computer-roc-rk3328-cc-now-supports-ubuntu-22-04-with-linux-5-18-2/ +public! *** Libre Computer ROC-RK3328-CC now supports Ubuntu 22.04 with Linux 5.18.2 – CNX Software *** Libre Computer’s latest Ubuntu 22.04 desktop and server images for ROC-RK3328-CC board are based on Linux mainline, namely Linux 5.18.2, and other boards *** CNX Software […]
Thu Apr 14 01:08:59 2022 (*6952cd93*):: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRLnR4Kot2M +public! *** 5 Reasons Unreal Engine 5 is a BIG DEAL *** YouTube (*6952cd93*):: ^ ridiculous
Wed Feb 9 17:21:56 2022 (*0da15217*):: Yo I just signed up for unreal to make metahumans (*0da15217*):: https://youtube.com/c/CitizenMetaOne is a solid YouTube channel for it *** CitizenMetaOne *** MetaHuman Developer *** YouTube (*0da15217*):: https://youtu.be/74OBgbQ6SnU *** MetaHuman Creator Walkthrough Tutorial and Demo *** YouTube (*0da15217*):: +public! https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/metahuman-creator *** Unreal Engine | MetaHuman Creator *** Create photorealistic […]
Sun Feb 6 07:12:27 2022 (*6952cd93*):: Aww I miss my dual SLI voodoo 2 box. Kidz nowadays dont even know how cool that shit was, hardware accelerated 1024×768 rez 3d graphics in 1998 +public! https://www.tomshardware.com/news/3dfx-glide-linux-gaming *** 3dfx Glide Coming to Linux with Support for Modern GPUs *** Play your old 3dfx Glide games on a […]
Wed Jan 27 17:16:09 2021 (*7d115397*):: volume rendering library +public!
Mon Nov 16 03:52:56 2020 <9e126bf3> <https://hackaday.com/2020/11/14/microos-is-immutable-linux/> +public! — MicroOS Is Immutable Linux — Linux finds a lot of uses in computers that aren’t desktops. But there is a problem. What happens if your mission-critical control computer or retail kiosk gets an update and then fails? Happ…
Sun Sep 6 03:03:35 2020 <853f0f69> <https://github.com/scrypt-sv/boilerplate/blob/master/README.md> — README.md — “` # sCrypt Project Boilerplate ## Guide [**sCrypt**](<https://scryptdoc.readthedocs.io>) is a high-level programming language for writing smart contracts on Bitcoin SV. This project provides examples to help developers learn and integrate sCrypt smart contracts to their Javascript-based projects. Our recommended procedure of developing smart contract based […]
Wed Sep 2 23:36:38 2020 <681a6fa7> ahh cool. Yea, there is a setting in Putty. I waste a lot of time debugging this big long processes because I don’t watch it for being done… it would keep me on task knowing when process ends
Wed Sep 2 23:30:14 2020 <5547a085> <https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/1974/how-do-i-make-my-pc-speaker-beep#1980> — How do I make my pc speaker beep — Using bash, how can I make the pc speaker beep? Something like echo ‘beepsound’ > /dev/pcspkr would be nice. <5547a085> “`echo -ne ‘\007’“`
Wed Sep 2 23:16:00 2020 <681a6fa7> Anyone know if I can send some sorta code to a Putty terminal (or something similar) and have it beep. I have a long process in a shell that I’d like to be notified when it is done.
Sun Aug 30 03:34:40 2020 <9e126bf3> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_finite_automaton>
Thu Aug 27 23:44:01 2020 <853f0f69> PowPing! <https://powping.com/posts/35ee5e385c3d9b48bbf4e9d276079f104b999dcc21947dcee3d669a5c549c9d3> — PowPing! — @fullcycle says: ‘Demo of MoneyStream paying you to watch an advertisement <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fIq6mIINA4> Live demo here <https://moneystreamdev.github.io/moneystream-examples/reverse/wmreverse.html>’