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Category: quantumcomputing


Sat Jul 13 19:51:48 2024 (*097dfbf6*):: +public! *** Quantum Computer Smashes Record Set By Google *** A quantum computer has smashed a ‘quantum supremacy’ benchmark by 100-fold, indicating the promise of quantum computing. *** Gizmodo


Sun Jul 7 22:51:53 2024 (*097dfbf6*):: +public!


Thu Jul 4 05:58:58 2024 (*097dfbf6*):: rekt *** Google’s claim of quantum supremacy has been completely smashed *** Google’s Sycamore quantum computer was the first to demonstrate quantum supremacy – solving calculations that would be unfeasible on a classical computer – but now ordinary machines have pulled ahead again *** New Scientist (*097dfbf6*):: quantum […]


Wed Feb 14 22:28:08 2024 (*6952cd93*):: +public! *** The End of the Quantum Ice Age: Room Temperature Breakthrough *** Researchers at EPFL have achieved a milestone in quantum mechanics by controlling quantum phenomena at room temperature, overcoming the longstanding barrier of needing extreme cold. This opens up new possibilities for quantum technology applications and […]


Fri Nov 3 21:02:23 2023 (*6952cd93*):: crypto algos on notice +public! *** Quantum Computing Leap: Argonne’s Qubit Breakthrough *** Breakthrough realized for retaining quantum information in a single-electron quantum bit. Argonne and partners attained a major milestone toward quantum computing based on single-electron qubits: nearly a thousand-fold increase in coherence time and a first […]


Thu Oct 26 03:05:02 2023 (*6952cd93*):: +public!


Sat Jul 8 02:29:14 2023 (*6952cd93*):: +public! *** Toward ternary quantum information processing: Success generating two-qutrit entangling gates with high fidelity *** An interdisciplinary team at the Advanced Quantum Testbed (AQT) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the University of California, Berkeley’s Quantum Nanoelectronics Laboratory (QNL) achieved a technical breakthrough using qutrits—three-level […]


Fri Jul 7 20:42:26 2023 (*6952cd93*):: +public! *** Toward ternary quantum information processing: Success generating two-qutrit entangling gates with high fidelity *** An interdisciplinary team at the Advanced Quantum Testbed (AQT) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the University of California, Berkeley’s Quantum Nanoelectronics Laboratory (QNL) achieved a technical breakthrough using qutrits—three-level […]


Mon Feb 20 03:22:21 2023 (*6952cd93*):: nice +public! *** Quantum Physicists Make Nanoscopic Breakthrough of Colossal Significance *** In a new breakthrough, researchers at the University of Copenhagen, in collaboration with Ruhr University Bochum, have solved a problem that has caused quantum researchers headaches for years. The researchers can now control two quantum light […]


Thu Feb 2 00:16:53 2023 (*6952cd93*):: Analog quantum computers are cool +public! *** New analog quantum computers to solve previously unsolvable problems *** Physicists have invented a new type of analog quantum computer that can tackle hard physics problems that the most powerful digital supercomputers cannot solve. *** (*3bd42332*):: (*6952cd93*):: Analog quantum computers […]


Sat Jan 28 02:15:59 2023 (*6952cd93*):: panic is setting in. They’re deep in the denial stage. It’s probably already broken by some classified system[…]to-quantum-computing-anytime-soon/?comments=1&comments-page=1 +public! *** RSA’s demise from quantum attacks is very much exaggerated, expert says *** Expert says the focus on quantum attacks may distract us from more immediate threats. *** Ars […]


Sat Jan 14 20:03:14 2023 (*6952cd93*):: quantum computing is about to get real. Lol can you imagine a billion qubit QPU board you can drop in your PC? +public! *** New spin control method brings billion-qubit quantum chips closer *** Australian engineers have discovered a new way of precisely controlling single electrons nestled in […]


Wed Nov 9 01:22:56 2022 (*4cfb807c*):: *** IBM Quantum Computing | Qiskit Runtime *** Qiskit Runtime is IBM Quantum’s quantum computing service and programming model. Learn how to build, refine, and execute workloads at scale. *** (*6952cd93*):: +public!


Wed Aug 31 23:09:30 2022 (*6952cd93*):: +public! *** Quantum Computing Book Recommendations *** YouTube


Wed Jul 20 23:43:43 2022 (*6952cd93*):: +public! *** Strange new phase of matter created in quantum computer acts like it has two time dimensions *** By shining a laser pulse sequence inspired by the Fibonacci numbers at atoms inside a quantum computer, physicists have created a remarkable, never-before-seen phase of matter. The phase has […]


Tue Jul 19 00:51:41 2022 (*6952cd93*):: There is probably a way to engineer room temp and higher stable entangled system across huge numbers of atoms. They are making some crazy progress in quantum lately, like exponential. Shit’s gonna come out of nowhere with a piece of technology that will change everything overnight +public! (*4cfb807c*):: […]


Mon Jul 18 21:05:47 2022 (*6952cd93*):: There is probably a way to engineer room temp and higher stable entangled system across huge numbers of atoms. They are making some crazy progress in quantum lately, like exponential. Shit’s gonna come out of nowhere with a piece of technology that will change everything overnight +public!


Mon Jun 13 23:58:15 2022 (*cfaf6bd4*):: +public! wishlist


Fri Feb 4 04:02:13 2022 (*6952cd93*):: according to this researcher- 317 million qbit memory to break SHA-256 in an hour. 1.9 billion qbits to break it in under 10 min. This is assuming another quantum algo isn’t discovered beyond Shor’s factorization to crack SHA-256 +public! *** Quantum computing will be the answer to cracking […]

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