atx crypto club

Category: sublevels


Tue Feb 4 22:02:41 2020 i had to dig through so many inbox and shouts <9e126bf3> there. Shouldn’t be so spammy in the hub now I found several more <9e126bf3> awesome! destroyer, melodeath almk


Tue Feb 4 21:25:01 2020 readying messages from slack is ebola reading* <9e126bf3> lol yeah it’s not ideal. If people are actually active here I’ll turn off the spigot i see shit from all channels outside of sublevels and its hard to follow not knowing who the fuck is saying what <9e126bf3> yeah its all […]


Tue Feb 4 20:39:30 2020 <8f79fcda> my old sdd has a bunch of company training manuals


Tue Feb 4 19:49:55 2020 <9e126bf3> Yeah do it! I gotta get my old shit shared again soon. I still have it, just spread around. Would be cool to see this hub thriving again


Tue Feb 4 19:38:51 2020 <5547a085> I need to get all my old torrent archives up, ive got 1.5T of cyberpunk/sci movies, a lot of music


Tue Feb 4 19:15:30 2020 be back later , get some good shit shared <9e126bf3> cool. Working on it


Tue Feb 4 18:58:49 2020 where is the mighty S4R at <9e126bf3> I’m trying to bootstrap a new metal hub with a new community. The old hub went derelict and the regulars slipped away over time. So I made it public and bridged it with a slack I’ve been running with some cryptocurrency ppl so […]


Tue Feb 4 18:48:26 2020 much better does anyone have the last two at the gates albums?


Tue Feb 4 18:38:16 2020 yo <9e126bf3> sup been a while <9e126bf3> sure has! what is a decent client this DC++ one is trash <9e126bf3> airdc++ is better alright be right back


Fri Jan 31 04:17:02 2020 <9e126bf3> ping!


Tue Jan 28 05:11:29 2020 <9e126bf3> ping!


Sat Jan 18 07:03:46 2020 <9e126bf3> there’s some other clients too, even a terminal one, microdc2


Sat Jan 18 06:41:29 2020 <5547a085> A reminder dc++ always had a linux client: <>


Sun Jan 5 21:51:36 2020 ping! <9e126bf3> ping!


Sun Jan 5 21:32:41 2020 ping! <9e126bf3> ping!


Sat Jan 4 18:11:05 2020 <Verlihub> <9e126bf3> ping!

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