atx crypto club

Category: sublevels


<9e126bf3> sweet. Np just been testing out a bridge to the hub here to test receiving bot commands from arbitrary different services. I wanted to wait to announce it once things were working better


<5547a085> I have tons of shit id love to share, sorry I didn’t see the pinned note


<9e126bf3> &lt;@U07MMSG8M&gt; set up a share on the hub if you get a chance


<Verlihub> <9e126bf3> ping! <9e126bf3> ping reply!


<Verlihub> <9e126bf3> test relay <9e126bf3> test reply


<9e126bf3> test bridge <9e126bf3> test bridge 2 <Verlihub> <9e126bf3> test bridge reply


<9e126bf3> bridge test <9e126bf3> bridge test reply

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