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Category: tv


Thu Feb 16 22:11:23 2023 (*5b5b0ae5*):: The Replacements (*5b5b0ae5*):: +public! (*5b5b0ae5*):: The prison dance scene is huge inspiration for #bitcoin-the-musical citadel-gulag scene


Mon Feb 13 04:10:08 2023 (*6952cd93*):: The Last Samurai :coolie_hat: +public! *** The Black Ships Shock: A Historic Encounter that Changed Japan *** In 1853, Commodore Matthew Perry led a fleet of black ships to shock the peace of Japan. Initial fear gave way to curiosity, and single-sheet woodblock prints shared details about the US […]


Sat Feb 11 02:01:54 2023 (*896dff9b*):: City Slickers (*896dff9b*):: +public! (*896dff9b*):: And city slickers 2. Search for Curlys gold (*3bd42332*):: NORMAN!!!! (*896dff9b*):: Daniel stern is the man

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