atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Thu Aug 1 23:49:05 2024
(*097dfbf6*):: :clown_face:
There is literally no difference than Chyna and EU now in terms of the demands Chyna has on companies sharing data with the government. Fuck the EU. And at least Chyna makes money and sells shit. All the EU makes is regulations :clown_face:
*** World’s first major AI law enters into force — here’s what it means for U.S. tech giants
*** The European Union’s landmark artificial intelligence law officially enters into force Thursday — and it means tough changes for American technology giants.
*** CNBC

(*097dfbf6*):: +public!
(*097dfbf6*):: maybe we can add a number of steps as an argument to the command/UI
(*4cfb807c*):: Yeah, more so to have profile cases, theres ideal settings for different configs; i have an iteration script running through all the permutations, but i keep having to restart it and tweak it, eventually it will finish and the results can be compared/analyzed

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