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Anon Ymous

Fri Aug 2 06:36:04 2024
(*097dfbf6*):: :clown_face:
There is literally no difference than Chyna and EU now in terms of the demands Chyna has on companies sharing data with the government. Fuck the EU. And at least Chyna makes money and sells shit. All the EU makes is regulations :clown_face:
*** World’s first major AI law enters into force — here’s what it means for U.S. tech giants
*** The European Union’s landmark artificial intelligence law officially enters into force Thursday — and it means tough changes for American technology giants.
*** CNBC
(*097dfbf6*):: +public!
(*9d3f0a89*):: The law also imposes a blanket ban on any applications of AI deemed “unacceptable” in terms of their risk level.

Unacceptable-risk AI applications include “social scoring” systems that rank citizens based on aggregation and analysis of their data, predictive policing, and the use of emotional recognition technology in the workplace or schools.
(*9d3f0a89*):: I dunno hard for me to not like this
(*097dfbf6*):: Banks, insurance, established domestic and international corporations, military, and government agencies already do all those things. For a major apropos example, NATO is heavily relying on such AI in Ukraine to fight Russia. They also buy a lot of these kinds of tools from Israel which are quickly maturing and battle tested. These regulations are just weapons to go after organizations not friendly with or actively working with the EU/globalist regime. All statistical analysis tools fall under the AI umbrella. There is no actual delineation for a piece of software to actually say something is AI or not AI. If your tool could potentially be used for one of these things, they can charge you as if you are actively doing it merely by making it available. This is heavily regulating software in general. That’s the ultimate danger of all AI regulation. “AI” is just software but invokes a magical boogeyman that is easy to scare the public with to disarm their capabilities. This is basically a firewall to stymie startups on behalf of megacorps, to assuage worry that someone will make something that weakens the EU stronghold on freedom of speech and monopoly on domestic propaganda, and it’s also a bid to extract from the US economy because EU is failing miserably in technology except for a small handful of still marginally profitable but largely irrelevant legacy products.

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