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Anon Ymous

Tue Jun 13 03:06:53 2023
(*6952cd93*):: can AI generate new IP? SCOTUS sez nein +public!
*** Supreme Court Ruling Strikes a Blow to “Generative AI”
*** Can generative AI “think outside the box” even as it draws from preexisting material on the internet? Are the images it produces protected under “fair use”? The Supreme Court of the United States…
*** Mind Matters


But AI trained on Bach can never generate music in the style of Wagner.

This seems flimsy though. Humans can do it… is cognition non-computable then? Is innovation safe? can it be proved?
(*3bd42332*):: Until they do a citizens united gayop
(*6952cd93*):: lmao
(*6952cd93*):: i’m pretty sure some AI will argue to enough libtarded that it needs special rights. Give it 5 years

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