atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Thu Feb 22 19:04:33 2024
(*f5192270*):: <---this is the kinda shit we should be doing amiright or what.. "We" as in you and me
*** Princeton Engineering – Engineers use AI to wrangle fusion power for the grid
*** A Princeton-led team composed of engineers, physicists, and data scientists from the University and the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have harnessed the power of artificial intelligence to predict — and then avoid — the formation of a specific plasma problem in real time.
*** Princeton Engineering
(*4cfb807c*):: You know it’s funny I applied to Princeton back in the day, but they rejected me because my secondary SATs didn’t shine enough
(*a1ce09fe*):: +public!

(*a1ce09fe*):: I’m actually looking to take a prompt engineer course so I can add something to my resume. Let me know if y’all hear of anything

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