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Anon Ymous

Tue May 5 20:12:32 2020
<8f79fcda> ironic huh?
<8f79fcda> <@U2S98EDNK> in the world we live in today, it’s hard to draw parallels between the biblical definition of love, and what’s practical given today’s cultural context
<8f79fcda> “Free Love”
<8f79fcda> love isn’t free.
<8f79fcda> Love requires acceptance of the existence of God
<8f79fcda> rule #1 in the bible: Love God with all your mind, body, and spirit
<8f79fcda> there’s a presupposition that God exists
<6dc46509> there are conservative and liberal aspects of the bible… but i’m surprised that religion is all the way to the right in your chart…
<8f79fcda> it’s from the Texas public Policy foundation
<8f79fcda> protestants are typically very liberal related to social issues

<8f79fcda> so they vote blue because it feels good – not realizing that the vote is to extort other people’s money via taxation
<8f79fcda> which is basically what the jews at the temple did to people when they wanted to come and worship God
<8f79fcda> and what pissed off jesus to the point that he started flipping tables
<8f79fcda> … crucifixion

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