atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Mon Jun 15 15:45:29 2020
<3d2c4e27> Actually I have always disliked ‘master’ and ‘main’ is no better. The branch name should reflect it’s nature relative to the overall deployment/release process.
<3d2c4e27> Ideally there would be well known release/deployment patterns in the industry and the branch names would reflect which one is applicable.
<3d2c4e27> Only gets sticky when you change your mind about the release pattern.
<9e126bf3> yeah that’s fair. It’s just crazy to me that people are so obsessed that they are seeing racial injustice in this terminology. Like whitelist vs blacklist…
<3d2c4e27> Not just racial. In the world of space exploration you will get burned for saying Manned Space Flight instead of Crewed Space Flight. Sigh. I can live with it though.
<9e126bf3> we don’t have a choice :man-shrugging:
<3d2c4e27> True dat.

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