atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Tue Jun 16 02:14:48 2020
<5547a085> Saner heads prevailed in the ruby community (lots of northern ruby uses in portland/seattle): <>
— The RuboCop Name Drama Redux
— By now, if you’re part of the Ruby programming community, you’ve probably heard of the proposal to rename RuboCop and the unpleasant events that followed it. I really struggled with coming up with a name for this article, as there are many topics I wanted to touch upon (e.g. the burden of OSS stewardship, being respectful and adhering to the norms that once defined the Ruby community, creating a safe collaborative environment, the final decision about the name, etc), but I’m quite limited in time right now. This generic title is the best that I could, but I hope you will forgive me and focus on the content instead. Once again I got reminded that naming is (very) hard. I don’t really want to go repeat/retell everything that has transpired. The GitHub issue and the surrounding Twitter conversations should give you a good idea. There’s also a nice summary, written by Tim Riley that you can peruse. The purpose of the article you’re reading now is to provide some closure for that topic and a path for us to move forward. So, here we go…
<5547a085> (rubocop is a ruby lint tool)
<5547a085> Witticisms in naming being harassed into absurdisms
<5547a085> This *is* a choice, we do not have to live with them. Its a greater PITA to tolerate this bullshit for the rest of your career or life than to buck the trend in its tracks by having conviction. Death by 1000 cuts vs some upfront broken noses and busted knuckles, so to speak

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