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Anon Ymous

Sat Jun 25 03:18:01 2022
(*3bd42332*):: This is an interesting one

(*3bd42332*):: I feel like there’s a bug chaser mentality to attain super saiyan victimhoom status.

And the mental health apparatus makes more money when there are more mentally ill people
(*3bd42332*):: So
(*3bd42332*):: In theory (we know this) social media is a vector to groom more mentally ill people
(*3bd42332*):: Not by intention, but as an outcome
(*3bd42332*):: It nurtures mental illness
(*3bd42332*):: The Mental health apparatus just sets the stage
(*6952cd93*):: it just looks like mass MK ultra, hordes of people manipulated by the endless grift of pharma drugs and propaganda +public!

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