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Anon Ymous

Thu May 21 18:02:27 2020
<7d56dcb3> bruh i dunno if you guys are interested in incels and their little world… but have you ever heard of the transpill? or… trannymaxing/transmaxing?
<7d56dcb3> so basically the theory goes… that some guys are just so effeminate and unattractive… that they have better chances of getting with girls by becoming trannies than by staying as males…
<7d56dcb3> it’s some fucked up shit, but there’s a lot of data to back it up…
<8f79fcda> no surprise there
<8f79fcda> thai hooker syndrome
<7d56dcb3> nah man this is mostly a western phenomenon…
<8f79fcda> &gt; thai hookers exist
&gt; mostly a western phenomenon
<8f79fcda> :clown_face:
<7d56dcb3> no i mean the incel transpill thing
<7d56dcb3> it’s pretty hilarious but also kinda sad at the same time…
<7d56dcb3> <>
— Scientific studies supporting our views
— Intersex children raised as female will adapt a female gender identity 40% of the…

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